Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple (4 класс)

Present Simple 1.Oleg takes  a  book  at  home  every  day. 2. I  drink  milk in the kitchen  usually. 3. Children open  the door in the room sometimes.

Слайд 1Past Simple
1.Oleg took a  book  at  home  yesterday. 2.I drank milk in

the kitchen  20 minutes ago. 3.Children opened  the door in the room  last week.
Past Simple 1.Oleg took a  book  at  home  yesterday. 2.I drank milk in the kitchen  20 minutes

Слайд 2Present Simple
1.Oleg takes  a  book  at  home  every  day. 2. I  drink

 milk in the kitchen  usually. 3. Children open  the door in the room sometimes.
Present Simple 1.Oleg takes  a  book  at  home  every  day. 2. I  drink  milk in the kitchen

Слайд 3Future Simple.
1.Oleg   will take a  book  at  home   in

5 minutes. 2.I will drink milk in the kitchen  tomorrow. 3. Children will open  the door in the room next week.
Future Simple. 1.Oleg   will take a  book  at  home   in 5 minutes. 2.I will drink

Слайд 5Составить предложения
My sister/eat/meat (–)
They/study/Spanish (?)
I/usually/make dinner (–)
He/have/two cats (+)
Molly/go/to the gym


Составить предложенияMy sister/eat/meat (–)They/study/Spanish (?)I/usually/make dinner (–)He/have/two cats (+)Molly/go/to the gym (?)

Слайд 6Отрицательные предложения
Rice grows in Britain.
I like to listen to music.
Kate does

her homework.
We have a big family.
He often rides a bike.

Отрицательные предложенияRice grows in Britain.I like to listen to music.Kate does her homework.We have a big family.He

Слайд 7Общий вопрос
He has a lot of friends.
My sister works in a

We do a lot of things together.
She sometimes goes swimming.

Общий вопросHe has a lot of friends.My sister works in a bank.We do a lot of things

Слайд 8Исправить ошибки
What does he usually at the office?
Does they play tennis

every week?
When does he comes home?
I goes to the park on Sundays.
We dont use that car.
Исправить ошибкиWhat does he usually at the office?Does they play tennis every week?When does he comes home?I

Слайд 10I have got two brothers. 
I have got a new computer 
I have

another phone. 
I have got umbrella with me. 
I have got a puppy. 
He has got a car. 
He has many books. 
It has a long tail. 
She has got an interesting book. 
My sister has got long hair.
I have got two brothers. I have got a new computer I have another phone. I have got umbrella with

Слайд 11Вставить have got/has got
The cats ________________    a house.
The cat  ___________ a house.
She _________ten bags.
We _________ten bags.
Ann ___________a

We ___________six pencils.
Nick _________a parrot.
They  ________ seven hens.
Ann and Nick _________ a book.
It ________a stick.
He  ___________a bike.
We _______ a bike.
We __________ a house.
Вставить have got/has gotThe cats ________________    a house.The cat  ___________ a house.She _________ten bags.We _________ten bags.Ann ___________a bus.We ___________six pencils.Nick _________a parrot.They  ________ seven hens.Ann and Nick _________ a

Слайд 13Выбери was / were
John and his wife _____in the theatre yesterday.
I _______at

She ________at school.
He ______ at school.
You _____at school.
We ______at school.
You ______at school.
They _______at school.

Выбери was / wereJohn and his wife _____in the theatre yesterday.I _______at school.She ________at school.He ______ at school.You _____at school.We ______at school.You ______at school.They _______at

Слайд 14Вопросительные предложения Выбери was / were
____she happy that you called? – Она

обрадовалась тому, что ты позвонил?
_____ he with you? – Он был с тобой?
____your dog outside? – Наш пес был на улице?
____they in the cinema? – Они были в кино?
____ you at school yesterday? – Вы были вчера в школе?
______we at home? – Мы были дома?
Вопросительные предложения Выбери was / were____she happy that you called? – Она обрадовалась тому, что ты позвонил?_____ he with you?

Слайд 16was not = wasn’t/ were not= weren’t
I ____at work. – Я

не была на работе.
She ____my friend. – Она не была моей подругой.
He ____married. – Он не был женат.
My cat ___ there. – Моего кота там не было.
They ____with us that day. – Они не были с нами в тот день.
We ____surprised to see him. – Мы не были удивлены, когда увидели его.
You _____at that restaurant. – Ты не был в том ресторане.
was not = wasn’t/ were not= weren’tI ____at work. – Я не была на работе.She ____my friend. –

Слайд 17Вставить was/were (?), (-)
I _____at home all day yesterday. –

Я был дома вчера весь день.
She_____ busy. – Она была занята.
Adam ____ very sad when I saw him. – Адам был очень грустным, когда я видела его.
My dog ___ happy to get some food. – Моя собака была очень рада получить еду.
They _____very nice. – Они были очень милы.
We _____abroad when you called us. – Мы были заграницей, когда ты позвонил нам.
You _____ very tired. – Ты был очень уставшим.
Вставить was/were  (?), (-)I _____at home all day yesterday. – Я был дома вчера весь день.She_____ busy.

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