Презентация, доклад по английскому языку в 5 классе на тему Классная комната (5 класс)

British Easter is the time for holidays, festivals and a time for giving chocolate Easter eggs

Слайд 1Презентация «British Easter»

Внеклассное мероприятие, посвященное празднику Пасхи
5 классы

Презентация «British Easter»Внеклассное мероприятие, посвященное празднику Пасхи5 классы

Слайд 2British Easter is the time for holidays, festivals and a time

for giving chocolate Easter eggs
British Easter is the time for holidays, festivals and a time for giving chocolate Easter eggs

Слайд 3

It is the celebration of the death and coming to life

again of Jesus Christ
It is the celebration of the death and coming to life again of Jesus Christ

Слайд 4
The word Easter is thought to come from “Eostre”, the Anglo-Saxon

goddess of the dawn whose spring festival was celebrated in April
The word Easter is thought to come from “Eostre”, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of the dawn whose spring

Слайд 5

Holy Week before Easter begins with Palm Sunday. It marks the

end of Lent and celebrates Jesus’ arrival
Holy Week before Easter begins with Palm Sunday. It marks the end of Lent and celebrates Jesus’

Слайд 6

On Palm Sunday, children are given crosses made from single palm

On Palm Sunday, children are given crosses made from single palm leaves.

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On Maundy Thursday Christians remember the Last Supper. During the Last

Supper Jesus washed his disciples’ feet. This act reminds rulers that they are here to serve their subjects.
On Maundy Thursday Christians remember the Last Supper. During the Last Supper Jesus washed his disciples’ feet.

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In England the custom of washing feet has been replaced by

specially minted Maundy money. Queen Victoria began the custom of giving specially minted money in leather bags
In England the custom of washing feet has been replaced by specially minted Maundy money. Queen Victoria

Слайд 9

Today, the Queen attends a service in one of the many

cathedrals to distribute the Maundy Money.
Today, the Queen attends a service in one of the many cathedrals to distribute the Maundy Money.

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To celebrate the arrival of spring, Easter parades often take place

on Easter Sunday afternoon, where people can wear new clothes as a sign of the changing seasons, and competitions are held to find the best Easter bonnet.
To celebrate the arrival of spring, Easter parades often take place on Easter Sunday afternoon, where people

Слайд 11

Easter Monday is a national holiday in Britain, when games and

sports are played
Easter Monday is a national holiday in Britain, when games and sports are played

Слайд 12
Easter symbols are the cross, the lamb, eggs and Easter rabbits.

Easter symbols are the cross, the lamb, eggs and Easter rabbits.

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Eggs represent new life.

Eggs represent new life.

Слайд 14

British children believe that the Easter bunny brings Easter eggs and

hides them for finding on Easter morning.
British children believe that the Easter bunny brings Easter eggs and hides them for finding on Easter

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Children search for the eggs left by the Easter rabbit on

Easter morning. It is called the Easter Egg Hunt.
Children search for the eggs left by the Easter rabbit on Easter morning. It is called the

Слайд 16

Typical British Easter cakes are hot cross buns, small round sweet

cakes with a cross on top in memory of Christ's death.
Typical British Easter cakes are hot cross buns, small round sweet cakes with a cross on top

Слайд 17Использованные материалы:
Картинки: http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?text=+Easter&stype=image

Использованные материалы: http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/texte/easter.htmhttp://www.learnenglish.de/culture/easter.htmКартинки: http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?text=+Easter&stype=image

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