Презентация, доклад ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ. Урок на тему Развитие навыков диалогической речи по теме: CLOTHES AND FASHION

Striped – plain - patterned - checked – polka-dot – floral

Слайд 1Clothes &

Clothes   &Fashion

Слайд 3Striped – plain - patterned - checked – polka-dot – floral

Striped – plain - patterned - checked – polka-dot – floral

Слайд 18
Маtch the

verbs and their meanings:

to combine well
To fit
to have sth on your body as a piece of clothing
To suit
to be the right shape or size for sth/sb
To match, to go with

To try on to put a piece of clothing to see if it fits and how it looks

To wear to make you look attractive
Маtch the verbs and their meanings:

Слайд 19 Use the correct form of each word to fill in

the blanks: fit, match, suit, wear, try, go

1. A: How about those trousers? They ........... you perfectly.
B: Yes, but they're too casual for the occasion.

2. A: What about the red shirt? It ..................... your trousers.
B: You are right! I haven't ................ it for ages.

3. A: This dress is great. Why don't you ...........…. it on?
B: The colour doesn't ................ me.

4. A: What do you think of this shirt?
B: It doesn't ............... with the trousers.

5. A: What about these two colours? Do you think they .................?
B: Sure!

6. A: That coat really .................. Bill.
B: I don’t think so!

Use the correct form of each word  to fill in the blanks: fit, match, suit,

Слайд 20
What is Lisa going to wear?

What is Lisa going to wear?

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