Презентация, доклад по английскому языку The most popular dialect in London

Cockney slang appeared in 1840 among the East End Londoners, who had at that time dismissive nickname "cockney" (cockney)

Слайд 1The most popular dialect in London
Выполнила :

The most popular dialect in London Выполнила :

Слайд 2Cockney slang appeared in 1840 among the East End Londoners, who

had at that time dismissive nickname "cockney" (cockney)
Cockney slang appeared in 1840 among the East End Londoners, who had at that time dismissive nickname

Слайд 3Noteworthy festive outfits in buyout and still clothed some Cockney -

hat with bright feathers, dresses and suits, embroidered with pearl buttons; for this they are called "pearly kings and queens" (Pearly Kings and Queens).
Noteworthy festive outfits in buyout and still clothed some Cockney - hat with bright feathers, dresses and

Слайд 4In 1912, Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw wrote the play "Pygmalion"

story which plays with the pronunciation of the different English walks of life.
Due to the story of Eliza Doolittle and Professor Higgins Cockney dialect of London received more fame worldwide.
In 1912, Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw wrote the play

Слайд 5What is the Cockney dialect?
The Cockney dialect is characterized by special

pronunciation and distorted grammar. Here are just some of the features:

Pass the sound [h] - "not 'alf" instead of "not half"
The use of "ain't" instead of "is not", "am not"
Pronunciation sound [ɵ] and [ð] as a [f] and [v]
Use done and seen instead did and saw
- Double negative - "I ain’t done nufing”
What is the Cockney dialect?The Cockney dialect is characterized by special pronunciation and distorted grammar. Here are

Слайд 6"Classic" Cockney rhyming slang the ten most famous examples of Cockney slang

and pears (Яблоки и груши) = Stairs (лестница) Пример: 
I’m just going down the apples to get a cup of tea from the kitchen.

Слайд 7Dog and bone (Собака и кость) = Phone (телефон) Пример: 
One sec mate, my dog’s ringing,

just gonna take this call!
Dog and bone (Собака и кость) = Phone (телефон) Пример: One sec mate, my dog’s ringing, just gonna take this call!

Слайд 8Pig’s ear (свиное ухо) = Beer (пиво) Пример:
I think I owe you a pig’s ear.

Pig’s ear (свиное ухо) = Beer (пиво) Пример:I think I owe you a pig’s ear.

Слайд 9Adam and Eve (Адам и Ева) = Believe (верить, поверить)
Would you Adam and Eve


 Butcher’s hook (Крюк мясника) = Look (взгляд) 
I had a butchers at it through the window.

 Loaf of bread (Буханка хлеба) = Head (голова) Пример: 
Use your loaf! Think!

Adam and Eve (Адам и Ева) = Believe (верить, поверить)Пример: Would you Adam and Eve it? Butcher’s hook (Крюк мясника) = Look (взгляд) Пример: I had a

Слайд 10 Baked bean (Печёная фасоль) = Queen (королева) Пример:
Look who’s on TV, it’s the baked bean!

Trouble and

strife (Беда и раздор) = Wife (жена)
I had an argument with the trouble and strife last night.
 Baked bean (Печёная фасоль) = Queen (королева) Пример:Look who’s on TV, it’s the baked bean! Trouble and strife (Беда и раздор) = Wife (жена)Пример:I

Слайд 12There are some pictures helping you to remember cockney phrases

There are some pictures helping you to remember cockney phrases

Слайд 13"Mockney" and the new cockney Another interesting phenomenon is generated by a

cockney - the so-called "mockney" (Mockney, from English to mock "ridicule", "fun" + cockney.). This word is called the fake accent, imitating the manner of speech Cockney, as well as those who practice this emphasis.

Слайд 14In Britain, there are still quite new rhymes and phrases in

Cockney style, geography and their use is no longer limited by the East End of London. This means that rhyming slang is alive and continues to evolve, changing with age.
In Britain, there are still quite new rhymes and phrases in Cockney style, geography and their use

Слайд 15Why you should know cockney
If you want to understand these films.

They have been used so much Cockney dialect that the creators even released in the annex to the DVD special dictionaries


If you want to read this bible. Especially because of its quotes, they will be useful to you in one of the affected areas .

If you want to listen some albums of band “Street” Mike Skinner was born in Birmingham but he does not read on pure cockney in his speech he often uses typical pronunciation .

Why you should know cockneyIf you want to understand these films. They have been used so much

Слайд 16Thanks for your attention

Thanks for your attention

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