Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Тесты на видо-временные формы глагола 9-11 классы

А2. Past Perfect Progressive from “To stand” is:1) Had stand2) Was standing, were standing3) Had been standing4) Had standing

Слайд 1А1. Simple Present from “to go” is:
1) went
2) go
3) go,gone

А1. Simple Present from “to go” is: 1) went2) go3) go,gone4)go,goes

Слайд 2А2. Past Perfect Progressive from “To stand” is:
1) Had stand
2) Was

standing, were standing
3) Had been standing
4) Had standing
А2. Past Perfect Progressive from “To stand” is:1) Had stand2) Was standing, were standing3) Had been standing4)

Слайд 3A3. Simple Future from “to work” is:
1) Shall to work, will

to work
2) Shall work
3) Will working
4) Shall work, will work
A3. Simple Future from “to work” is: 1) Shall to work, will to work2) Shall work3) Will

Слайд 4 А4. Present Progressive from “to sleep” is:
1) Is sleeping, are sleeping,

am sleeping
2) Is being sleeping, are being sleeping, am being sleeping
3) To be sleeping
4) Was sleeping
А4. Present Progressive from “to sleep” is: 1) Is sleeping, are sleeping, am sleeping2) Is being

Слайд 5 А5. Present Perfect Passive from “to do” is:
1) Is being doing

Was done, are been done
3) Had been done
4) Have been done, has been done
А5. Present Perfect Passive from “to do” is: 1) Is being doing2) Was done, are been

Слайд 6А6. “Last night we were in the cinema”. The right general question


1. Were last night we in the cinema?
2. Were we in the cinema last night?
3. We last night were in the cinema?

А6. “Last night we were in the cinema”. The right general question is: 1. Were last night

Слайд 7А7. “We had just had dinner”. The right general question is:
1) Did

we had just had dinner?
2) Had we dinner?
3) What had we had?
4) Had we just had dinner?
А7. “We had just had dinner”. The right general question is: 1) Did we had just had

Слайд 8А8. “We had just had dinner”. The right aspect is:
1. Present Perfect

Simple Past
3. Past Perfect Passive
4. Past Perfect

А8. “We had just had dinner”. The right aspect is: 1. Present Perfect2. Simple Past3. Past Perfect

Слайд 9 А9. “We had just had dinner”. The right special question is:

Had we had just dinner?
2) What had we?
3) Had we just had dinner or supper?
4) What had we just had?
А9. “We had just had dinner”. The right special question is:   1) Had we

Слайд 10A10. “We had just had dinner”. The right translation is:

1. Мы только

что пообедали.
2. Мы обедаем.
3. Мы не обедали.
4. Они обедали.
A10. “We had just had dinner”. The right translation is:1. Мы только что пообедали.2. Мы обедаем. 3.

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