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СontentsHistory of School Uniforms in Russia;A new low «Education in Russian Federation»;Why has the legislation been suddenly changed?Do we need a school uniform?What are the favourite colours for school uniforms in Russia?What are the favourite colours

Слайд 1 School uniform
Panday David
Bessarabov Daniil
Moiseenkov Daniil
Kozlov Alex
8 form

School uniform Panday DavidBessarabov DaniilMoiseenkov DaniilKozlov Alex8 form

Слайд 2Сontents
History of School Uniforms in Russia;
A new low «Education in Russian

Why has the legislation been suddenly changed?
Do we need a school uniform?
What are the favourite colours for school uniforms in Russia?
What are the favourite colours for school uniforms in Britain?

СontentsHistory of School Uniforms in Russia;A new low «Education in Russian Federation»;Why has the legislation been suddenly

Слайд 3History of School Uniforms in Russia 
School uniform had been

introduced in Russia in 1834. According to the orders of Emperor Nicholas I, the regulations on civil uniforms were developed.
History of School Uniforms in Russia   School uniform had been introduced in Russia in 1834. According

Слайд 4A new low
A new law “About education in

Russian Federation ” regulates new standards for school uniforms and comes into force from the 1st September 2013. Throughout more than 20 years, pupils who attended school in Russia were wearing casual clothes like jeans, T-shirts, and sweaters. The traditional school uniform disappeared in Russia together with the fall of the Soviet Union. Only school-leavers were wearing historical their parents' uniforms during the last school ceremony in May before the final examination and graduation. This ceremony in Russia is called Последний звонок (English:“Last bell”), because school-leavers listen to the school bell ring for the last time in their lives! 
A new low    A new law “About education in Russian Federation ” regulates new standards

Слайд 5Why has the legislation been suddenly changed?
After the

conflict in one of schools in Stavropol in October 2012, when a girl came to class wearing hijab, the minister of education Dmitry Livanov began to talk about the compulsory school uniform for pupils in order to prevent such cases in the future. With regard to this matter, from the beginning of this academic year, pupils in Russia should wear school uniform, but it will differ from school to school. The Ministry of Education has merely given some recommendations on how it should look like, therefore, only regional authorities in some parts of the country and school administration should establish their own principles and design requirements for the uniform.

Why has the legislation been suddenly changed?    After the conflict in one of schools

Слайд 6Do we need a school uniform?

Do we need a school uniform?

Слайд 7What are the favourite colours for school uniforms in Russia? The

survey results are presented in the diagrams:
What are the favourite colours for school uniforms in Russia? The survey results are presented in the

Слайд 8What are the favourite colours for school uniforms in Britain?

What are the favourite colours for school uniforms in Britain?

Слайд 12Conclusion
The results of my research indicates that, despite

the fact that there is no compulsory school uniforms at the present time in our country, many schools impose its own uniform.
A strict dress code at the school creates a business climate necessary for work. Uniform helps to discipline the students that is good for teachers. Uniform makes the lives of parents easier, because they do not have to think every morning, in what clothes to send a child to school. In addition, a school uniform policy helps to avoid competition between the children in the clothes, and thus saves parents’ money. School uniform helps a student to feel as a member of a group and a member of the school.  The presence of a school uniform policy does not deprive the students’  opportunity to express their individuality in clothing. Girls choose blouses they like to match their school uniform. They can be of  different styles (classic, sporty, romantic) and colours. Boys can express their individuality in the choice of shirts and ties. 

Conclusion   The results of my research indicates that, despite the fact that there is no

Слайд 13 For parents, school uniform solves a big problem -

how to dress their child for school.The kids have to be told that school uniforms are the clothes for work and school is a place where they come to learn. We must make sure that they understand that the uniform is one thing, and the clothes for entertainment and sport is something different. 
For parents, school uniform solves a big problem - how to dress their child for

Слайд 14It’s cool to wear a uniform!

It’s cool to wear a uniform!

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