Презентация, доклад на английском языке Рождество: за и против

PresentsWaiting for the miracle

Слайд 1Christmas: pros and cons

Christmas: pros and cons

Слайд 2Presents
Waiting for the miracle

PresentsWaiting for the miracle

Слайд 3Traditions and customs

Traditions and customs

Слайд 4Fun and communication with friends

Fun and communication with friends

Слайд 5Santa Claus
Christmas songs

Santa ClausChristmas songs

Слайд 6Gluttony


Слайд 7Material costs

Material costs

Слайд 8A lot of litter
Deceived expectations

A lot of litterDeceived expectations

Слайд 9But all those «-» don’t matter because
X-mas is a wonderful way

to feel the spirit of magic
X-mas helps people to show love and care to their families
X-mas time gives you wonderful moments of fun, pleasure and active rest
And that’s GREAT!!!!!!!!
But all those «-» don’t matter becauseX-mas is a wonderful way to feel the spirit of magicX-mas

Слайд 11 by Dima Rachkov

Form 8-2
by Dima Rachkov            Form 8-2

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