Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Рождество (5 класс)

Christmas or Christmas Day is an annual holiday celebrated on December 25 that commemorates the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. christmas

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Christmas or Christmas Day is an annual holiday celebrated on December

25 that commemorates the birth of Jesus of Nazareth.


Christmas or Christmas Day is an annual holiday celebrated on December 25 that commemorates the birth of

Слайд 3Celebration
Arrival of winter marks the celebration of Christmas. Christmas in England

is celebrated with great fun and fervor. Beautiful Christmas decorations are the major components of Christmas celebrations. People decorate their houses with beautiful Christmas tree, stars, bells, toys and glittering Christmas lights. Beautiful Christmas gifts are exchanged among people to express their love and affection.
Celebration	Arrival of winter marks the celebration of Christmas. Christmas in England is celebrated with great fun and

Слайд 4
Santa Claus is known across the globe as a jolly fat

bearded man sporting a red suit trimmed with white fur. On Christmas Eve Santa Claus enters the home of good children, usually via the chimney, bearing gifts of toys that his elves have been busy making all year long. Parents know Santa Claus as a symbol of the magic and joy of childhood.

santa claus

Santa Claus is known across the globe as a jolly fat bearded man sporting a red suit

Слайд 5Christmas Decorations.

Christmas Decorations.

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