Презентация, доклад по английскому языку по теме: Артикль

Неопределенный артикльWe speak about him for the first time



Слайд 2Неопределенный артикль

We speak about him for the first time

Неопределенный артикльWe speak about him for the first time

Слайд 3Определенный артикль
We speak about him not for the first time

Определенный артикльWe speak about him not for the first time

Слайд 4Use articles a(an), The
Give me … piece

of chalk, please.

I go to … cinema with my friend.

They are all … pupils of our class.

I learn … English language at school.

She eats … apple.

Use articles a(an), TheGive me  …    piece of chalk, please.I go to

Слайд 5The end
Complete the sentences. Use a or the.
Moldy and Rotty

saw … (1)reporter. … (2)reporter asked them some questions. …(3) reporter had …(4) camera. Rotty took …(5) camera and ran away.

The endComplete the sentences. Use a or the. Moldy and Rotty saw … (1)reporter. … (2)reporter asked

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