Презентация, доклад по английскому языку по теме City and Country 11 класс


On the one hand, in the city …

Слайд 1City VS Country

City VS Country

Слайд 2On the one hand, in the city …

On the one hand, in the city …

Слайд 3There are crowds of people everywhere

There are crowds of people everywhere

Слайд 4Citizens bump into traffic jams every day

Citizens bump into traffic jams every day

Слайд 5Plants and factories pollute the environment

Plants and factories pollute the environment

Слайд 6Citizens don't communicate in the street or in public transport

Citizens don't communicate in the street or in public transport

Слайд 7It is dangerous to walk alone in the dark streets of

the city
It is dangerous to walk alone in the dark streets of the city

Слайд 8There is much litter in the streets

There is much litter in the streets

Слайд 9 There are sometimes homeless dogs and people.

There are sometimes  homeless dogs and people.

Слайд 10On the other hand,…

On the other hand,…

Слайд 11There are plenty of restaurants and cafes in the city

There are plenty of restaurants and cafes in the city

Слайд 12There are many shopping centres

There are many shopping centres

Слайд 13There are amazing parks

There are amazing parks

Слайд 14There are many educational institutions in the city

There are many educational institutions in the city

Слайд 15There are more job opportunities in the city. 

There are more job opportunities in the city. 

Слайд 16There are beautiful fountains in the city streets

There are beautiful fountains in the city streets

Слайд 17Citizens live in comfortable apartments with all modern conveniences

Citizens live in comfortable apartments with all modern conveniences

Слайд 18There are a lot of museums

There are a lot of museums

Слайд 19a lot of theatres

a lot of theatres

Слайд 20modern cinemas

modern cinemas

Слайд 21picture galleries

picture galleries

Слайд 22stadiums


Слайд 23Sports facilities and health centres

Sports facilities and health centres

Слайд 24In the country

In the country

Слайд 25 People have to get up early to work on the farm

or fields.
 People have to get up early  to work on the farm or fields.

Слайд 26 In the countryside the food is more natural and healthy.

 In the countryside the food is more natural and healthy.

Слайд 27The air is fresh and clean. 

The air is fresh and clean. 

Слайд 28Country people raise animals. 

Country people raise animals. 

Слайд 29Country people grow vegetables in the garden

Country people grow vegetables in the garden

Слайд 30We can enjoy the beauty of nature

We can enjoy the beauty of nature

Слайд 31Country people can fish

Country people can fish

Слайд 33 Swim in the river

Swim in the river

Слайд 34Gather mushrooms and pick berries

Gather mushrooms and pick berries

Слайд 35arrange picnics in the woods

arrange picnics in the woods

Слайд 36Country houses are less comfortable

Country houses are less comfortable

Слайд 37Country roads are bad

Country roads are bad

Слайд 38Country people are calm and happy. 

Country people are calm and happy. 

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