Слайд 2The Cristmas this holiday, which in many country has generated
the big amount a symbol and tradition. Britancy first in threshold Cristmas started to decorate the house by holly, ivy and mistletoe. It Was Considered that holly scares away the witches, but mistletoe ancient друиды considered the holy plant and symbol to eternal life, римляне valued her(its) as symbol of the world. It Is Considered that custom arose in Great britain to kiss under branch of the mistletoe. Any time making look younger pair kissed under branch, youth vented the berry; when berries ended, ended and kiss. This merry tradition ed in Great britain hitherto: at decoration of the rooms nosegays mistletoes there is on lamp even and chandelier, and, on обычаю, you may kiss the person, costing in medium of the room under nosegay of the mistletoe.
Слайд 3One of the ancient british tradition - an рождественское log. It
Is Considered that else ancient vikings have brought this rite in Great britain. On Cristmas they sawed;sawn down the enormous tree, and the whole year it вылQживалось - сохло. And only on the following Cristmas his(its) brought in house, and it blazed in centre long-long. But if extinguished, not gone bust before ash, хозяева expected the troubles.
Слайд 4Brilliant Viktorianskaya epoch (1837-1901 gg.) has presented the Great britain remarkable
рождественские to traditions. And in the first place this is connected with Rozhdestvenskoy herringbone symbol of the eternal nature. It Is Considered that german are first, who used рождественскую fir tree in their own celebration.
Слайд 5With Viktorianskoy England is bound custom to pack the gift in
Rozhdestvenskiy sock. In that time told the fairy tale that Rozhdestvenskiy grandparent travelled on air and got into building through smoke trubu. And presently in eve Cristmas children hang on heater or edge to beds рождественский stocking to Santa Klaus has filled his(its) gift. This traditions gradually becomes acclimated and beside us, in Russia.
Слайд 6On length of the many ages beside all inhabitants British island
by wide-spread food on Cristmas was a special oat porridge плум-порридж (plum-porridge), welded on мясном bouillon, in she added also bread mites, raisins, almond,
prune and honey and gave on table very hot. During XVIII v. плум-порридж is gradually changed плум-pood-дингом (plum-pudding), and most main becomes to medium XIX v. last by dish Rozhdestvenskogo table. Plum-pudding prepare from bread mite with accompaniment of the miscellaneous spice, fruit, before presenting on table his(its) pour with water over the rum and light. And hitherto remained as far back as custom beside британцев to hide in Rozhdestvenskom pudding small silver coins and embellishment - "on happiness". Traditional рождественским dish are запеченная turkey with potatoes.
Слайд 7In England exists the merry custom: before that what sit for
table people slam своеобразную fly swatter "Christmas Cracker". In she is kept the small souvenir and jocular message.
Слайд 8In England exists the merry custom: before that what sit for
table people slam своеобразную fly swatter "Christmas Cracker". In she is kept the small souvenir and jocular message.
Слайд 9The groups of the people are going to In предрождественские days,
including and детей, which go on county, performing рождественские canto (carols), and collect donation
Слайд 10The Traditional english to tunes - "Jingle Bell" (the Campanulas звенят)
and "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" (We want You merry Cristmas). Twenty sixth December in Great britain this too holiday Boxing Day. On television with morning before evening go the atheletic programs so англичане love to conduct this day in easy chair for television set. The Holiday ends exactly in twelve days following Cristmas, sixth January, when begin to remove the embellishment.