Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на темуКак я провела весенние каникулы

How I spent my spring holidays

Слайд 1Spring holidays

Spring holidays

Слайд 2How I spent my spring holidays

How I spent my spring holidays

Слайд 3 Holidays
Spring holidays are

probably the best vacation after all.I love this time of year because nature wakes up, birds begin to sing their songs, trees are covered with light yоung greens, the sun begins to shine brighter, warming us with its gentle rays.It often rains and there can be hard winds but the air becomes cleaner and fresher .
Holidays Spring holidays are probably the best vacation after all.I

Слайд 4
Children are looking forward

to the holidays.You can take a break from lessons,to meet with friends outside schools.To go to relatives in the village and so on .
.       Children are looking forward to the holidays.You can take

Слайд 5 My spring break I spent by my grandparents in the

village .There I met my cousin. We spent time together. We played various games and rode our bikes. We also went fishing with my grandfather . He taught us to fish. It was fun. At the weekend I went back to town. I read books, played computer games, did my homework, went to the cinema, socialized with friends online. I also went to the park with my parents where I visited the exhibition of cats. I liked everything very much. On the last day of my holidays we went to the circus. These spring holidays will be remembered for a long time

My spring break I spent by my grandparents in the village .There I met

Слайд 6Spring break is the best!!!!!!

Spring break is the best!!!!!!

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