Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на темуDolmens of Krasnodar region

Dolmen (stone table) — an ancient burial and religious building belonging to the category of megaliths (that is, to structures built from large stones). The name comes from the appearance — raised on stone piers, slabs,

Слайд 1The Ministry of higher and secondary education of the Krasnodar region

SOSH 43, Krasnodar

Dolmens of Krasnodar region

Author: Daniel Kleshevnik
Grade 6


The Ministry of higher and secondary education of the Krasnodar regionMBOU SOSH 43, KrasnodarDolmens of Krasnodar region

Слайд 2Dolmen (stone table) — an ancient burial and religious building belonging

to the category of megaliths (that is, to structures built from large stones). The name comes from the appearance — raised on stone piers, slabs, resembling a tablе.
Dolmen (stone table) — an ancient burial and religious building belonging to the category of megaliths (that

Слайд 3The largest concentration of dolmens is located along the coast of

the Black sea from the Taman Peninsula to Abkhazia and in the foothills of the Krasnodar territory and Adygea

The largest concentration of dolmens is located along the coast of the Black sea from the Taman

Слайд 4Volkonsky dolmen.
Volkonsky dolmen is the only surviving

monolithic dolmen in the world type. His camera is fully carved in a stone boulder a very irregular shape. Has a small inlet. Dolmens of this type are found in the world is extremely rare. .
Volkonsky dolmen, located in the gorge of the river Godek. Dolmen received its name in honor of Princess Volkonskaya, holding near it a lot of time. It was built approximately nine and a half thousand years ago.

Volkonsky dolmen.    Volkonsky dolmen is the only surviving monolithic dolmen in the world type.

Слайд 5Dolmen in Dzhubga. Dolmen in Dzhubga is located on the way

to the beach, on the right Bank of the river Dzhubga, just down the street Cooperative, one kilometer before reaching the sea. Dolmen in Dzhubga has a slightly elliptical shape. This is one of the largest and best preserved Yes our time structures in the Western Caucasus

Dolmen has age five thousand years.
It was built in the second half of the III
Millennium BC. The dolmen is
сomposed of three tiers.
Ancient monument is in excellent
condition. The dolmen consists of a large,
customized and polished stone slabs of
Sandstone. The weight of one such plate
is about 20 tons.
Each plate carefully polished, neatly
fitted and inserted into the slots

Dolmen in Dzhubga.  Dolmen in Dzhubga is located on the way to the beach, on the

Слайд 6 Dolmen in the tract Rownota. The dolmen

is located in the tract Rownota (about the village, Medoveevka, a district of Sochi).
In the vicinity of this village is located three dollmen group, consisting of 17 buildings. This is the largest group of dolmens in the vicinity of Sochi.
Material - Sandstone and yellow limestone. The second location is located in the tract "Nosovtsev Polyana". The third group was found by L. N. and L. L. Sitnikova on Medoveevka plateau.
The dolmens are located at a distance of 7 kilometers North-East from the village, Medoveevka.

Dolmen in the tract Rownota. The dolmen is located in the tract Rownota

Слайд 7The dolmens are located near the Small village of Pseashkho.

are made out of extremely solid material.

Dolmen of the huge plates is five kilometres from the Small village of Pseuso Tuapse district. Assembled from an extremely hard material - granite.
The dolmens are located near the Small village of Pseashkho. Many are made out of extremely solid

Слайд 8Trough dolmen five kilometres from the Small village of Pseuso Tuapse

Refers to monopartism type with a hole in the side.
Trough dolmen five kilometres from the Small village of Pseuso Tuapse district. Refers to monopartism type with

Слайд 9Megaliths are near the village a Small Pseashkho, in the Tuapse


Megaliths are near the village a Small Pseashkho, in the Tuapse distric.

Слайд 10Dolmen "Khadzhokh-3".
The group of dolmens is located in the village

of Kamennomostskiy (Khadzhokh). Dolmen discovered in 2010. After the restoration he received the name "Khadzhokh-3". This religious building of the bronze age have been reconstructed by the archaeological expedition from St. Petersburg. It is believed that the age of the megalith has nearly five thousand years.
The dolmen is made up of several parts - walls, one of which is the entrance, which closed grommet on top of the roof and the walls the same plate.

Слайд 11Thank you for your attention

Thank you for your attention

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