Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Как улучшить систему школьного образования

I think the system of education in schools should be improved! A lot of new units should be opened, so that every teenager will be taken in his favorite activity !

Слайд 1Project «The way I’d like to improve the system of education»

Nikolaeva 9a
Project  «The way I’d like to improve the system of education»Katya Nikolaeva 9a2018

Слайд 2I think the system of education in schools should be improved!

A lot of new units should be opened, so that every teenager will be taken in his favorite activity !
I think the system of education in schools should be improved! A lot of new units should

Слайд 3One of the features of development of education is to equip

schools with modern facilities where the main source of information is the Internet. I believe it will allow students to expand their knowledge and gain access to the latest information more fully and rapidly. Using the "World Wide Web" is not only useful for children but for teachers as well
One of the features of development of education is to equip schools with modern facilities where the

Слайд 4 I also believe that it is necessary to create specialized classes

in all schools, this will allow the pupils to study the subjects that they will need later in their life deeply.
I also believe that it is necessary to create specialized classes in all schools, this will

Слайд 5Journeys and tours are very informative and exciting. Therefore, all students

need to go sightseeing with their classmates and have fun while learning a lot of new things as much as possible .
Journeys and tours are very informative and exciting. Therefore, all students need to go sightseeing with their

Слайд 6Pupils will have to take 3 compulsory exams after 9 and

11 class
Pupils will have to take 3 compulsory exams after 9 and 11 class

Слайд 8The end

The end

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