Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Устный зачет по темам Образование и окружающая среда


Question 1.How much does the compulsory education in London cost?

Слайд 1Подведение итогов. Зачет. Первое полугодие 10 кл.

Живогина А.Ю.

Подведение итогов. Зачет. Первое полугодие 10 кл.Живогина А.Ю.

Слайд 2Question 1.
How much does the compulsory education in London cost?

Question 1.How much does the compulsory education in London cost?

Слайд 3Question 2.
What kind of schools or pre-school groups do children go

to before they start schooling?
Question 2.What kind of schools or pre-school groups do children go to before they start schooling?

Слайд 4Question 3.
Are comprehensive schools selective?

Question 3.Are comprehensive schools selective?

Слайд 5Question 4.
What examination did children use to take at the age

of 11?

Question 4.What examination did children use to take at the age of 11?

Слайд 6Question 5.
What choice do they have after the fifth form?

Question 5.What choice do they have after the fifth form?

Слайд 7Question 6.
What exam do they have at the age of 16?

Question 6.What exam do they have at the age of 16?

Слайд 8Question 7.
What does it mean to be educated?

Question 7.What does it mean to be educated?

Слайд 9Question 7.
What do you think about when you see this picture?

Question 7.What do you think about when you see this picture?

Слайд 10Question 7.

Question 7.

Слайд 11Question 7.
Какое слово не сочетается со словом an exam?
Do / make /

take / sit / pass / fail
Question 7.Какое слово не сочетается со словом an exam?Do / make / take / sit  / pass

Слайд 12Give synonyms to the words:

Give synonyms to the words: kindergarten

Слайд 13Give synonyms to the words:
mixed school

Give synonyms to the words: mixed school

Слайд 14Give synonyms to the words:
staff room

Give synonyms to the words: staff room

Слайд 15Give synonyms to the words:

Give synonyms to the words: Study

Слайд 16Give synonyms to the words:
to sit at exam

Give synonyms to the words: to sit at exam

Слайд 17Give synonyms to the words:
not to pass an exam 

Give synonyms to the words: not to pass an exam 

Слайд 18Give synonyms to the words:
I like to ….

Give synonyms to the words: I like to ….

Слайд 19Give synonyms to the words:
To participate

Give synonyms to the words: To participate

Слайд 20Give synonyms to the words:
To leave school

Give synonyms to the words: To leave school

Слайд 21Give synonyms to the words:

Give synonyms to the words: kindergarten

Слайд 22Give synonyms to the words:

Give synonyms to the words: kindergarten

Слайд 23Give synonyms to the words:

Give synonyms to the words: kindergarten

Слайд 24Describe the educational system of Great Britain

Describe the educational system of Great Britain

Слайд 25word formation
Educate –
Teach –
Study –
Special –
Chemical –
Attend -

word formationEducate – Teach –Study –Special – Chemical –Attend -

Слайд 26word formation
Historical –
Technical –
To enter –
Special –
Beautiful –
Industrial -

word formationHistorical – Technical –To enter –Special – Beautiful –Industrial -

Stage manag….
Various music…….s
Costume design…..s

WANTED FOR NEWStage manag….Choreograph….Various music…….sCostume design…..s


WANTED FOR NEWLibrar…..sing…..sArt….scompos……s

Слайд 29Dependent prepositions
He can’t deal ….his problems.

Dependent prepositionsHe can’t deal ….his problems.

Слайд 30Dependent prepositions
I’m responsible …. my studing..

Dependent prepositionsI’m responsible …. my studing..

Слайд 31Dependent prepositions
Cadets look…..their vacations..

Dependent prepositionsCadets look…..their vacations..

Слайд 32Dependent prepositions
Mr Smith works … a factory.

Dependent prepositionsMr Smith works … a factory.

Слайд 33Dependent prepositions
I study …. a boarding school.

Dependent prepositionsI study …. a boarding school.

Слайд 34Dependent prepositions
I’m good ….. English.

Dependent prepositionsI’m good ….. English.

Слайд 35Dependent prepositions
He wants to apply ….a job.

Dependent prepositionsHe wants to apply ….a job.

Слайд 36Dependent prepositions
He wants to apply ….a job.

Dependent prepositionsHe wants to apply ….a job.

Слайд 37Describe the picture

Describe the picture

Слайд 38Describe the picture

Describe the picture

Слайд 39Describe the picture

Describe the picture

Слайд 40Translate
Я учусь в государственной кадетской школе-интернате.
Наша школа – только для мальчиков.

учимся в школе 2 года, после чего сдаем экзамены по обязательным дисциплинам.
Школа известна своей дисциплиной и строгими учителями.
TranslateЯ учусь в государственной кадетской школе-интернате.Наша школа – только для мальчиков.Мы учимся в школе 2 года, после

Слайд 41Translate
Ученики в нашей школе – кадеты.
Они носят специальную школьную форму, живут

в казарме 5 дней в неделю.
Кадеты очень мотивированы на хорошую учебу, ведь все они мечтают стать летчиками.
Кем я хочу стать? Я собираюсь поступить в университет в Краснодаре и стать летчиком!
TranslateУченики в нашей школе – кадеты.Они носят специальную школьную форму, живут в казарме 5 дней в неделю.Кадеты

Слайд 42I want to be a pilot….

I want to be a pilot….

Слайд 43Task 2. Environmental protection

Task 2. Environmental protection

Слайд 44Explain these words

Explain these wordsReduceReuseRecycle

Слайд 45Task 2. Environmental protection

2. What problems threaten human lives on the

3. Why is air pollution harmful?
4. Is it dangerous to breathe polluted air?
5. What does the burning of fuel and fossil fuels produce?
6. What are the most dangerous pollutants?
7. What is the main reason for the greenhouse effect and acid rains on our planet?
8. Can we solve the problem of environmental protection?
Task 2. Environmental protection2. What problems threaten human lives on the Earth?3. Why is air pollution harmful?4.

Слайд 46Task 2. Environmental protection

Task 2. Environmental protection

Слайд 47Task 2. Environmental protection

Task 2. Environmental protection

Слайд 48Task 2. Environmental protection

Task 2. Environmental protection

Слайд 49Task 2. Environmental protection

Task 2. Environmental protection

Слайд 50Task 2. Environmental protection

Task 2. Environmental protection

Слайд 51Task 2. Environmental protection

Task 2. Environmental protection

Слайд 52Task 2. Environmental protection

Task 2. Environmental protection

Слайд 53Task 2. Environmental protection

Task 2. Environmental protection

Слайд 54Task 2. Environmental protection

Task 2. Environmental protection

Слайд 55Task 2. Environmental protection

Task 2. Environmental protection

Слайд 56Task 2. Environmental protection

Task 2. Environmental protection

Слайд 57Task 2. Environmental protection

Task 2. Environmental protection

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