Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Экологические проблемы Черного моря (8 класс)

The Black Sea is not similar to other seas, its features make it unique and inimitable

Слайд 1 Ecology of the Black sea
Skvortsova Elena ,

teacher of English,
school No.7, Yalta

Ecology of the Black sea     Skvortsova Elena ,a teacher of

Слайд 2The Black Sea is not similar to other seas, its features

make it unique and inimitable

The Black Sea is not similar to other seas, its features make it unique and inimitable

Слайд 3 Unfortunately people are causing great damage to the sea, polluting it:

throw in water bottles, jars, bags ...
Unfortunately people are causing great damage to the sea, polluting it: throw

Слайд 4 But the plastic degrades in sea water at least 450 years,

aluminum beverage cans dissolved only through 100-200 years
But the plastic degrades in sea water at least 450 years, aluminum beverage cans dissolved only

Слайд 5 Scraps of networks, fishing line, ropes! Added decomposing particles, which will

disappear only after 650 years
Scraps of networks, fishing line, ropes! Added decomposing particles, which will disappear only after 650

Слайд 6 Since the 1997 year, 31st October is celebrated as the International

Black Sea day
Since the 1997 year, 31st October is celebrated as the International Black Sea day

Слайд 7 A person can be sea friend and worst enemy! THE CHOICE

A person can be sea friend and worst enemy! THE CHOICE IS OURS!

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