Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему :Funny advertisement (3-4 классы)


Mars [ma:z] – планета Марс

Слайд 1Funny advertisement

Funny advertisement

Слайд 3Mars [ma:z] – планета Марс

Mars [ma:z] – планета Марс

Слайд 5nut [nΛt] - орех

nut [nΛt] - орех

Слайд 7snicker [snikə] – хихикать, посмеиваться

snicker [snikə] – хихикать, посмеиваться

Слайд 9picnic [piknik]- пикник

picnic [piknik]- пикник

Слайд 11Milky way [milki wei] – млечный путь

Milky way [milki wei] – млечный путь

Слайд 13nestle [nesl] – вить гнездо, прижиматься, ютиться

nestle [nesl] – вить гнездо, прижиматься, ютиться

Слайд 15 mountain [mauntin] - гора
dew [dju:] - роса

mountain [mauntin] - гора dew [dju:] - роса

Слайд 17green field [gri:n fi:ld] – зеленое поле

green field [gri:n fi:ld] – зеленое поле

Слайд 19sprite [sprait] – фея, эльф

sprite [sprait] – фея, эльф

Слайд 21rich [ritʃ] - богатый

rich [ritʃ] - богатый

Слайд 23head [hed] - голова
shoulder [ʃəuldə] - плечо

head [hed] - головаshoulder [ʃəuldə] - плечо

Слайд 25dove [dΛv] - голубь

dove [dΛv] - голубь

Слайд 27tide [taid] – прилив и отлив

tide [taid] – прилив и отлив

Слайд 29vanish [væniʃ] – исчезать, пропадать

vanish [væniʃ] – исчезать, пропадать

Слайд 31pamper [pæmpə] – баловать, потакать

pamper [pæmpə] – баловать, потакать

Слайд 33apple [æpl] - яблоко

apple [æpl] - яблоко

Слайд 34Big Apple самое известное прозвище Нью-Йорка

Big Apple  самое известное прозвище Нью-Йорка

Слайд 36subway [sΛbwei] - метро

subway [sΛbwei] - метро

Слайд 38pedigree [pedigri:] - родословная

pedigree [pedigri:] - родословная

Слайд 39 An apple - round, red, green, yellow fruit of a small

A sprite - a fairy elf.
A field - a green area, there are some trees, grass or flowers.
A dove - a white bird.
Mars - a red planet.
A mountain - bigger and higher than a hill.
An apple - round, red, green, yellow fruit of a small tree.		A sprite - a fairy elf.		A

Слайд 40Put in follow words: rich, vanish, Milky Way , Picnic, subway,


I like to have ……. with my family and friends.
I go to school by …………. .
Suddenly he ………… . Nobody saw him.
Kate has a lot of money. She is very …….
Two ….. are better than one.
My sister likes watching ………….. with a telescope.

Put in follow words:  rich, vanish, Milky Way , Picnic, subway, head   I like

Слайд 41I like to have picnic with my family and friends.
I go

to school by subway.
Suddenly he vanished . Nobody saw him.
Kate has a lot of money. She is very rich.
Two heads are better than one.
My sister likes watching Milky Way with a telescope.

I like to have picnic with my family and friends.I go to school by subway.Suddenly he vanished

Слайд 42M&M’s
M&M’s are colorful button-shaped chocolates.

M&M’s 	M&M’s are colorful button-shaped chocolates.

Слайд 43 They appeared in the USA in 1941 and now you can

find them in more than 100 countries.
They appeared in the USA in 1941 and now you can find them in more than 100

Слайд 44 “M&M’s” mean Mars and Murrie. These are names of two founders:

Forrest Mars and William Murrie.
“M&M’s” mean Mars and Murrie. These are names of two founders: Forrest Mars and William Murrie.

Слайд 45 Candies are of different colours: green, red, yellow, blue, orange, red

and brown. They are very tasty and most children are fond of them.

Candies are of different colours: green, red, yellow, blue, orange, red and brown. They are very tasty

Слайд 46 M&M’s are very popular in the world because of their advertisement

(реклама). It’s always funny and exciting. Some characters are very famous.
M&M’s are very popular in the world because of their advertisement (реклама). It’s always funny and exciting.

Слайд 47 The Yellow Sweet is naive and silly. He is bigger and

thinner than the red sweet.
The Yellow Sweet is naive and silly. He is bigger and thinner than the red sweet.

Слайд 48 The red sweet is short and clever.

The red sweet is short and clever.

Слайд 49 The green sweet is a girl. She is pretty.

The green sweet is a girl. She is pretty.

Слайд 50 The orange sweet is afraid of everything.

The orange sweet is afraid of everything.

Слайд 51 The blue sweet is cool.

The blue sweet is cool.

Слайд 52M&M’s characters:

M&M’s characters:

Слайд 54Famous slogans:
The milk chocolate melts in your mouth, not in your

Молочный шоколад. Тает во рту, а не в руках.
Look for M on every piece.
В любом месте веселее вместе!
Famous slogans:	The milk chocolate melts in your mouth, not in your hand.	Молочный шоколад. Тает во рту, а

Слайд 55Create your own M&Ms
Personality (характер);
Occupation (род занятий);
Favourite holidays, season…

Create your own M&MsColour;Personality (характер);Occupation (род занятий);Country;City;Hobby;Favourite holidays, season…

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