Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Jane Eyre

Task 1Warm up.Ask questions members of our jury about their reading, likes and dislikes, favourite writers and books.

Слайд 1
Drama lesson
Jane Eyre
Charlotte Bronte

Drama lessonJane EyreCharlotte Bronte

Слайд 2Task 1
Warm up.
Ask questions members of our jury about their reading,

likes and dislikes, favourite writers and books.

Task 1Warm up.Ask questions members of our jury about their reading, likes and dislikes, favourite writers and

Слайд 3
Task 2
Watch an episode and be ready to dramatize it pretending

that you are the chracters of the novel.
Task 2Watch an episode and be ready to dramatize it pretending that you are the chracters of

Слайд 4Task 3 : Read the extract from the book and do

the following exercises:

1. Choose the words from the text to

John Jane Miss Reed

Task 3 : Read the extract from the book and do the following exercises:  1.

Слайд 5
Task 4
Describe -John of Jane
Jane of John
Jane of Miss Reed
- Miss

Reed of Jane
Task 4Describe -John of JaneJane of JohnJane of Miss Reed- Miss Reed of Jane

Слайд 6
Task 5
Make up proverbs of the mixed parts of them
and choоse

one about reading
Task 5Make up proverbs of the mixed parts of themand choоse one about reading

Слайд 7
1.Нет новостей хорошая новость
No news is good news
2.У семи нянек дитя

без глаза
Too many cooks spoil the pudding
3.Любопытство убило кошку
Curiosity killed the cat
4.С глаз долой из сердца вон
Out of sight, out of mind
5.Не делай из мухи слона
Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill
6.Что посеешь, то и пожнешь
You reap what you saw
7.Синица в руках лучше,
чем журавль в небеA bird in the hand is better than two in the bush

1.Нет новостей хорошая новостьNo news is good news2.У семи нянек дитя без глазаToo many cooks spoil the

Слайд 8
8. Не все золото, что блестит
All that glitters isn’t gold
9.Что имеем-

не храним, потерявши- плачем

You don’t know what you have until it’s gone
10.Не пили сук, на котором сидишь
Don’t bide the hand that feeds you
11.Тише едешь-дальше будешь
Slow and steady wins the race
12.Обжегшись на молоке, будешь дуть на воду
Once bitten, twice shy
13.Там хорошо, где нас нет
The grass is always greener on the other side of the field
8. Не все золото, что блеститAll that glitters isn’t gold9.Что имеем- не храним, потерявши- плачемYou don’t know

Слайд 9
Task 4 key
Books and friends should be few but good.
Task 5

can summarize our project?
Task 4 keyBooks and friends should be few but good.Task 5Who can summarize our project?

Слайд 10 Complete the gaps:
I’ve enjoyed the project because…
It was interesting to….

was fun when we(I)…
But it was difficult to… for

Complete the gaps:I’ve enjoyed the project because…It was interesting to….It was fun when we(I)…But it was

Слайд 11
Make up a sinquaine
- a noun
- 2 adjectives
3 verbs

proverb you’ve chosen previously
A synonym of the noun

TaskMake up a sinquaine- a noun- 2 adjectives 3 verbs the proverb you’ve chosen previouslyA synonym of

Слайд 12
Do ex.8, p.35.

Do ex.8, p.35.

Слайд 13
Jane Eyre has been made into several successful films and TV

series and is one of the most well-known and best loved books in English literature.

Jane Eyre has been made into several successful films and TV series and is one of the

Слайд 15
Thank you for your excellent job!
Good luck!

Thank you for your excellent job!Good luck!

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