Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Maslenitsa in Russia (7 класс)

Men’s costume Men wore red shirts-shirts, which in the old days were considered the most elegant clothes. At the hem and edges of the shirt were trimmed with wide braid, decorated with embroidery on the hem

Слайд 1Maslenitsa in Russia

Maslenitsa in Russia

Слайд 2Men’s costume
Men wore red shirts-shirts, which in the old days

were considered the most elegant clothes. At the hem and edges of the shirt were trimmed with wide braid, decorated with embroidery on the hem and sleeves. In those days, the shirt was worn unbuttoned and belted. Instead of the belt will fit a wide scarf with tassel — sash. On the head of the man wore a satin cap-a pointed cap with longitudinal slits in front and back. Slits should be fastened with small buttons.
Men’s costume Men wore red shirts-shirts, which in the old days were considered the most elegant clothes.

Слайд 3Women’s costume
The female costume consisted of a wide spacious sundress, flared

down. The hem can be embroidered or trimmed with colored satin ribbons or fringe. On top of the sundress for complete authenticity, you can wear a jacket (this is a short sleeveless clothing with straps). On the head of adult women tied a colorful scarf, and girls woven bright ribbons in braids.
Women’s costumeThe female costume consisted of a wide spacious sundress, flared down. The hem can be embroidered

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