Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Myths and facts about your health (8 класс)

Garlic prevents heart disease.Apricot is good for your skin.Green tea protects your teeth.Brown eggs are more nutritious than white eggs.Onion is good for your nerves.Eating raw goldfish helps to gain strength.Milk strengthens your bones.Cutting out certain

Слайд 1Myths and Facts About Your Health

Myths and Facts About Your Health

Слайд 2
Garlic prevents heart disease.
Apricot is good for your skin.
Green tea protects

your teeth.
Brown eggs are more nutritious than white eggs.
Onion is good for your nerves.
Eating raw goldfish helps to gain strength.
Milk strengthens your bones.
Cutting out certain kinds of food is the fastest way to a healthy diet.
Banana is good for your muscles.
Cabbage may help prevent the development of cancer.
Cranberry helps soothe your tired eyes.
Eating only one type of food, such as grapefruit, helps to lose weight.
Eating healthy means trying to consume a little less than you’d like to.
Carrots are good for your eyesight.
Milk is very good for children.

Garlic prevents heart disease.Apricot is good for your skin.Green tea protects your teeth.Brown eggs are more nutritious

Слайд 3Say which information is a myth and which is a fact.

is said to …
… is considered to …
… is known to …
I think this is a myth, because when you … you don’t (can’t) …
Say which information is a myth and which is a fact.… is said to …… is considered

Слайд 7Guess whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F).

junk food is a great passion of people.
A lot of people have ever enjoyed a hamburger.
The American habit of eating popcorn at the movies is not well-known.
Junk food is rich in vitamins and minerals.
Junk food has poor nutrition and that’s why is unhealthy.
Junk food doesn’t cause diseases.
Junk food is attractive.
Guess whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F). Eating junk food is a great passion

Слайд 10Some teens worry too much about their weight and use a

calorie-controlled diet. What is a calorie-controlled diet? Replace the underlined words with antonyms to get the correct answer.

Many people in GB now think less about their health. They eat a lot high-fat food and less fibre. Fat is thought to be the cause of health. Besides, people believe that they should exercise less not to be slim. Some people have to be started counting calories they eat every day. (A calorie is the energy value of food.) So that they can try to take in more calories and gain weight. This is called a calorie-controlled diet. Special food with more calories for slimmers is produced now in GB.

Some teens worry too much about their weight and use a calorie-controlled diet. What is a calorie-controlled

Слайд 11What is one of the methods helping to control weight? Put

the necessary words.

A humorist once wrote that the word … comes from the word “to die”. Most people who try to … weight would probably agree. In GB, being … is a widespread problem. Many recommendations are given to help people to control their … . A modern method is to make people understand the difference between real hunger and other factors that make them … . For example, a travelling salesman realized that he … lots of snacks only while driving his car. Since he found the source of his overeating he could control the problem.

What is one of the methods helping to control weight?  Put the necessary words.

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