Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Монархия

Britain is a constitutionalmonarchy. This means that the monarch, at the moment Queen Elizabeth IIThe Head of State

Слайд 1What does the Queen do?
editor:Zagainova L.,
English teacher,
v. Vostochnoe,
Minusinsk region,

Krasnoyarsk krai.

What does the Queen do?editor:Zagainova L., English teacher,v. Vostochnoe, Minusinsk region, Krasnoyarsk krai.

Слайд 2Britain is a constitutional
This means that the monarch, at the

moment Queen Elizabeth II

The Head of State

Britain is a constitutionalmonarchy. This means that the monarch, at the moment Queen Elizabeth IIThe Head of

Слайд 3
The Queen is also head of the judiciary and also the

Church of England, as well as the Commender-in-Chief of the arm forces

The Queen is also head of the judiciary and also the Church of England, as well as

Слайд 4 Her face is on the bank notes, coins and postage stamps.

Her face is on the bank notes, coins and postage stamps.

Слайд 5 The Queen's constitutional role is mainly symbolic. True power lies in the

hands of the Prime Minister and his Cabinet.
The Queen's constitutional role is mainly symbolic. True power lies in the hands of

Слайд 6 It's the Queen who formally opens Parliament every autumn, but the

speech she makes from the throne, giving details of the governement's future plans, is writtenfor her by politicians.
It's the Queen who formally opens Parliament every autumn, but the speech she makes

Слайд 7 Nothing becomes British law without the monarch's signature, but the Queen

would never refuse to sign a bill which has been passed by Parliament.
Nothing becomes British law without the monarch's signature, but the Queen would never refuse

Слайд 8 It is the Queen who officially appoints the Prime Minister, but

traditionally she always asks the leader of the party with a majority in the House of Commons.
It is the Queen who officially appoints the Prime Minister, but traditionally she

Слайд 9Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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