Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Структура Have to/Has to

СТРУКТУРА have to+ Infinitive has to + InfinitiveПЕРЕВОДИТСЯ КАК «вынужден, должен (по обстоятельствам) сделать что-то»: I have to wash dishes


Date: the 14th of November SPEAKING PRACTICE GRAMMAR PRACTICE have to+ Infinitive
has to + Infinitive

ENGLISH CLASS Date: the 14th of November

Слайд 2СТРУКТУРА have to+ Infinitive

has to + Infinitive
ПЕРЕВОДИТСЯ КАК «вынужден, должен (по обстоятельствам) сделать что-то»:

I have to wash dishes but (я вынужден)
I don't have to clean the floor. (не вынужден, не входит в обязанность)

My sister has to do homework but
she doesn't have to cook .

Do you have to wash dishes?-Yes, I do./No, I don't.
Does she have to wash dishes?-Yes, she does./ No, she doesn't.
СТРУКТУРА have to+ Infinitive            has to

Слайд 3 HAVE TO___

/ HAS TO___
HAVE TO___ / HAS TO___

Слайд 4What does Liza have to do?
1) Lisa has to feed hungry

cats Lisa has to do homework. Lisa has to do a lot of things. 2) Lisa doesn’t have to wash dishes Lisa doesn’t have to go to school on Sunday
Lisa doesn’t have to wash the floor 3) What does your mum have to do?
4) What do you have to do everyday?
What does Liza have to do?1)  Lisa has to feed hungry cats Lisa has to do

Слайд 5Hermione Granger is a famous wizard in the magic world. She

is the best friend of Harry Potter. Hermione goes to Hogwarts School where she has to study magic subjects.
She also has to wear a uniform of Gryffindor.
She has to be brave and smart to help her friends.
Hermione doesn’t have to wash dishes at school
She doesn’t have to play Quidditch, because Harry can do it really well!
Hermione Granger  is a famous wizard in the magic world.  She is the best friend

Слайд 6Сборник упражнений стр. 35 № 8

Сборник упражнений стр. 35 № 8



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