Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему The world's best friend is you (8 класс)

If we cut down fewer forests, the air would be clean and fresh.

Слайд 1Protection of the nature

Protection of the nature

Слайд 2If we cut down fewer forests, the air would be clean

and fresh.
If we cut down fewer forests, the air would be clean and fresh.

Слайд 3We live among litter and wastes which we have created ourselves.

Never drop litter

We live among litter and wastes which we have created ourselves.  Never drop litter

Слайд 4If we were clever and careful, we wouldn’t live among litter

and waste.
If we were clever and careful, we wouldn’t live among litter and waste.

Слайд 5If we didn’t pollute our rivers and lakes, they would be

full of fish.
If we didn’t pollute our rivers and lakes, they would be full of fish.

Слайд 6Put out food for wild animals in winter

Put out food for wild animals in winter

Слайд 7If people hadn’t invented different machines and developed industry, the environmental

problems wouldn’t have appeared.
If people hadn’t invented different machines and developed industry, the environmental problems wouldn’t have appeared.

Слайд 8If we planted more new forests, we would save wild animals.

If we planted more new forests, we would save wild animals.

Слайд 9Walk or cycle whenever possible

Walk or cycle whenever possible

Слайд 10We should always remember the wise advice of a great English

writer John Galsworthy who said: “If you don’t think about the future you will not have it.”

We should always remember the wise advice of a great English writer John Galsworthy who said: “If

Слайд 11Thanks for attention!

Thanks for attention!

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