Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему ДревниеШумеры

Sumer is the oldest civilization in the world, as most scientists believe. The time it appeared – about the end of the fourth Millennium BC.Sumer, the first urban civilization in the historical region of southern Mesopotamia

Слайд 1The ancient Sumerians.
Made by
Katya Mikheeva
Form 10 C
Lyceum №4

The ancient Sumerians.Made by Katya Mikheeva Form 10 CLyceum №4

Слайд 2Sumer is the oldest civilization in the world, as most scientists

believe. The time it appeared – about the end of the fourth Millennium BC.

Sumer, the first urban civilization in the historical region of southern Mesopotamia (southern Iraq).

Sumer is the oldest civilization in the world, as most scientists believe. The time it appeared –

Слайд 3Most scientists associated with the Sumerians:
the first skills in the treatment

of metals;
the invention of the wheel;
the emergence of the Potter's wheel.
Most scientists associated with the Sumerians:writing;the first skills in the treatment of metals;the invention of the wheel;the

Слайд 4After the Sumerians left a lot of manuscripts, deciphering which scientists

never ceases to amaze. It turns out that this civilization knew even then, to what our science has reached only relatively recently.
After the Sumerians left a lot of manuscripts, deciphering which scientists never ceases to amaze. It turns

Слайд 5It was a civilization that had their own ideas about beauty.

During excavations was found a plate depicting Proverbs, poems and the whole works is about adventure.

Archaeologists on the habitat of the Sumerians found mine which was mined gold.
It was a civilization that had their own ideas about beauty. During excavations was found a plate

Слайд 6By studying the records of this ancient civilization, scientists have learned

that the Sumerians knew that the sun revolved 12 planets. Those who are well-known currently, and another between Jupiter and Mars called picking up.
By studying the records of this ancient civilization, scientists have learned that the Sumerians knew that the

Слайд 7According to the Sumerians, a mysterious planet picking up on our

land came the Anunnaki. They were incredibly tall, from 4 to 5 meters, with a broad face and black hair. The images they always have large protruding ears, in their understanding it is a symbol of wisdom.
According to the mythology of the Sumerians, the Anunnaki created earthlings with the intention that they were engaged in gold mining.
According to the Sumerians, a mysterious planet picking up on our land came the Anunnaki. They were

Слайд 8In the records of the Sumerians can find a lot of

interesting and mysterious information that is quite difficult to invest in the head of modern man. All this is perceived as myths and notions of the ancient civilization. I can't believe this is possible at the dawn of mankind.
In the records of the Sumerians can find a lot of interesting and mysterious information that is

Слайд 9Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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