And people held a festival that was the start of our Halloween. It was on October 31st.
1. You can see the candle light through the eyes, nose and mouth.
2. Cut out the eyes, nose and mouth.
3. Take a large pumpkin.
4.Put the candle inside the lantern.
5.Take out what is inside with a knife and spoon.
6.Cut off a piece from the top.
3. Take a large pumpkin.
6.Cut off a piece from the top.
5.Take out what is inside with a knife and spoon.
2. Cut out the eyes, nose and mouth.
4.Put the candle inside the lantern.
1. You can see the candle light through the eyes,
nose and mouth.
2. What colours are associated with Halloween?
a) red and green
b) yellow and blue
c) orange and black
3. Who can walk through walls?
a) witches
b) goblins
c) ghosts
4. What is worn to keep vampires away?
a) garlic
b) onion
c) pepper
6. What does a witch use for transport?
a) a hat
b) a motorbike
c) a broomstick
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