Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему : Животные

They have a very good hearing. It helps them to swim, find each other and hunt. And they can live even if they can’t see.

Слайд 1 Dolphins are aquatic mammals. There are 40

species of them. Their size is from 2 to 9 metres long. They can weigh from 50 kg to 10 tons.

Men –dolphins are larger in size than women.

They can travel at the speed of 55 km/h. It’s 3 times faster than the best people-swimmers.

Dolphins are aquatic mammals. There are 40 species of them. Their size is

Слайд 2They have a very good hearing. It helps them to swim,

find each other and hunt. And they can live even if they can’t see.
They have a very good hearing. It helps them to swim, find each other and hunt. And

Слайд 3Small dolphins stay with their mothers for 2-3 years.
They are the

only mammals, whose birth starts from the tail, not from the head.
Small dolphins stay with their mothers for 2-3 years.They are the only mammals, whose birth starts from

Слайд 4These animals are fond of surfing in the sea. Most of

them live in salt waters, but there are also freshwater species.
These animals are fond of surfing in the sea. Most of them live in salt waters, but

Слайд 5Most dolphins prefer warm waters, but some, like the whale dolphin,

prefer colder climates.
Most dolphins prefer warm waters, but some, like the whale dolphin, prefer colder climates.

Слайд 6Dolphins
are very clever, friendly and beautiful animals.

Dolphins are very clever, friendly and beautiful animals.

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