Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Радио (7 класс)

Radio is……Radio-wireless communication version at which as the signal carrier the radio-waves freely extended in space are used.

Слайд 1

Слайд 2Radio is……
Radio-wireless communication version at which as the signal carrier the

radio-waves freely extended in space are used.

Radio is……Radio-wireless communication version at which as the signal carrier the radio-waves freely extended in space are

Слайд 3Transfer occurs as follows: on the transferring party the signal with

demanded characteristics (frequency and amplitude of a signal) is formed. Further the transmitted signal modulates more high-frequency fluctuation (bearing). The received modulated signal is radiated by the aerial in space. On the reception party of a radio-wave direct the modulated signal in the aerial then it is demodulated it (is detected) and filtered . Thus, there is an extraction of a useful signal. The received signal can differ a little from transferred by the transmitter.
Transfer occurs as follows: on the transferring party the signal with demanded characteristics (frequency and amplitude of

Слайд 4 History and the radio invention.
The founder of the first successful system

of information interchange by means of radio-waves (radiotelegraphy) the Italian engineer Gulelmo Marconi (1895) is considered.
History and the radio invention.The founder of the first successful system of information interchange by means

Слайд 5History and the radio invention.
In Soviet Union and consequently and in

Russia, as the inventor of radiotelegraphy consider A.S. Popov.

History and the radio invention.In Soviet Union and consequently and in Russia, as the inventor of radiotelegraphy

Слайд 6Minuses.
Those people at which can listen to radio only there

is a radio receivers. Or those only at whom are the Internet (in a case about the radio Internet) People only listen to songs, but don't see clips under these songs (and stars)

Minuses. Those people at which can listen to radio only there is a radio receivers. Or those

Слайд 7Pluses.
Radio convenient information receptions. Radio is convenient for listening of music

of the house, in a garden, in a city, on walk, on picnic. By radio it is possible to hear novelties of songs and old hits.

Pluses.Radio convenient information receptions. Radio is convenient for listening of music of the house, in a garden,

Слайд 8The end….

The end….

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