Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему The Past Continuous tense

The Past Continuous tense.to be + Ving

Слайд 1Грамматика английского языка.
Работу выполнила
учитель английского языка МБОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа

№ 143
с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов»
Ново-Савиновского района города Казани
Жаркова Татьяна Александровна

Казань - 2018

Грамматика  английского языка.Работу выполнила учитель английского языка МБОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 143 с углубленным изучением

Слайд 2The Past Continuous tense.
to be + Ving

The Past Continuous tense.to be + Ving

Слайд 3to be (неопределенная форма глагола)
am / is / are (Настоящее время)


/ were
(Прошедшее время)

will be
(Будущее время)

to be  (неопределенная форма глагола)am / is / are (Настоящее время)was / were(Прошедшее время)will be(Будущее время)

Слайд 4The Past Continuous tense
We use the past continuous to say that

someone was in the middle of doing something at a certain time.
We use the past continiouse and the past simple to say that something happened in the middle of another event.

The Past Continuous tenseWe use the past continuous to say that someone was in the middle of

Слайд 5Make up sentenses using grammer material.

Make up sentenses using grammer material. readtravel

Слайд 6ride


Слайд 7sleep


Слайд 8Negative
was not Ving
were not Ving

Negative was not Vingwere not Ving

Слайд 9Enter negative sentences
The cat was fishing, when I came home.
They were

playing at 5 o’clock.

They were reading at 3 o’clock.

Enter negative sentencesThe cat was fishing, when I came home.They were playing at 5 o’clock.They were reading

Слайд 10question
Was … Ving
Were … Ving

questionWas … VingWere … Ving

Слайд 11Make up questions.
The cat was fishing, when I came home.
They were

playing at 5 o’clock.

They were reading at 3 o’clock.

Make up questions.The cat was fishing, when I came home.They were playing at 5 o’clock.They were reading

Слайд 12Read and translate into Russian.
Make up guestions and negative sentences.
Ex.47 p.16

Read and translate into Russian.Make up guestions and negative sentences.Ex.47 p.16

Слайд 13УМК “Enjoy English” 8 М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева

Список литературы:

УМК “Enjoy English” 8 М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева https://yandex.ru/images/search Список литературы:

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