Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему ipad- достижение человечества

iPad — is a beautiful tablet in weight of 680 grams, packed into the case from aluminum and glass. All interaction of the user with the device is carried out via the touch screen with multi-touch

Слайд 1iPad


Слайд 2iPad — is a beautiful tablet in weight of 680 grams,

packed into the case from aluminum and glass. All interaction of the user with the device is carried out via the touch screen with multi-touch support. Text input also occurs by means of the screen keyboard though at the list of accessories acquired separately there is a keyboard fastened from below an equipment room.  


iPad — is a beautiful tablet in weight of 680 grams, packed into the case from aluminum

Слайд 3iPad — an Internet tablet which is let out by the

Apple company. The device has been presented on presentation in San Francisco by Steve Jobs on January 27, 2010. Start of sales occurred in New York on the Fifth avenue on April 3, 2010. In Russia official sales of the device began on November 9, 2010. On March 2, 2011 the model of the second generation — iPad 2, with the improved characteristics has been presented to public. The Apple iPad is a classical example of Internet tablets and essentially differs from personal computers. Many analysts carry Internet tablets to devices of a post-computer era which it is simpler and more clear than habitual personal computers and over time can force out the personal computer from the IT market.


iPad — an Internet tablet which is let out by the Apple company. The device has been

Слайд 4 If to sum up, it is possible to tell with confidence

that iPad, as well as its colleagues (iPod and iPhone), are focused not on content manufacture, and on its consumption. However, it is normal, as 99 % of the population of globe are engaged in consumption of fruits of another's intellectual work. Despite it, typical «office worker» can quite find iPad useful as the device covers all its basic employment: it is possible to write the service record, to make the small estimate, to send this all by e-mail.
If to sum up, it is possible to tell with confidence that iPad, as well as

Слайд 5If you need something more difficult and distinguished, it is better

to pay attention to netbooks or CULV-laptops which at the smaller price possess essentially bigger functionality, though differ big dimensions and in weight
If you need something more difficult and distinguished, it is better to pay attention to netbooks or

Слайд 6The End
Студентка 1 курса Группы :ТМо1-11 Специальности: 260203 Семёнова Ирина

The End Выполнила:Студентка 1 курса Группы :ТМо1-11 Специальности: 260203 Семёнова Ирина

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