Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему The welthiest man in the world(11 класс)

 Gates is currently the wealthiest person in the world with a wealth of US$77.2 billion.

Слайд 1Bill Gates-the man with huge wealth and a generous heart.

Bill Gates-the man with huge wealth and a generous heart.

Слайд 4 Gates is currently the wealthiest person in the world with a

wealth of US$77.2 billion.

 Gates is currently the wealthiest person in the world with a wealth of US$77.2 billion.

Слайд 5William Henry "Bill" Gates III is an American business magnate, philanthropist, investor, and computer

William Henry 

Слайд 11Gates dropped out of Harvard in 1975.

Gates dropped out of Harvard in 1975.

Слайд 12Bill Gates has got the diploma of Harvard in 2007.

Bill Gates has got the diploma of Harvard in 2007.

Слайд 20The most successful man!

The most successful man!

Слайд 22The world's wealthiest charitable foundation
($34.6 billion).

The world's wealthiest charitable foundation($34.6 billion).

Слайд 24“The 2010 Bower Award For Business Leadership of Franklin Institute”
“The Silver

Buffalo Award”

“The 2010 Bower Award For Business Leadership of Franklin Institute”“The Silver Buffalo Award”

Слайд 25The couple help a lot of children.

The couple help a lot of children.

Слайд 26In India.

In India.

Слайд 28Grantmaking Areas
Global Development Program
Global Health Program
Global Policy and Advocacy
United States Program

Grantmaking AreasGlobal Development ProgramGlobal Health ProgramGlobal Policy and AdvocacyUnited States Program


goals and hold ourselves accountable every step of the way.
THE WORLD WON`T GET BETTER BY ITSELF.  We must set big goals and hold ourselves accountable

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