Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Американский фольклор

Folklore is the expressive body of culture shared by a particular group of people; it encompasses the traditions common to that culture, subculture or group. Folklorelegendsmusicproverbsoral historyjokesfairy talespopular beliefstall tales

Слайд 1

Слайд 2 Folklore is the expressive body of culture shared by a particular

group of people; it encompasses the traditions common to that culture, subculture or group.





oral history


fairy tales

popular beliefs

tall tales

Folklore is the expressive body of culture shared by a particular group of people; it encompasses the

Слайд 3Russian folklore takes

Russian folklore takes

Слайд 4The American fairytales are characterized by rationalistic approach to life, there

dreams and harsh reality are combined, e.g. “A perpetual motion machine in the Salt Sea”

Spiritual Stories of Native Americans vice versa are deeply based on the nature and connected to the Earth and the Great Spirit, e.g. “The son of the Morning Star”

The American fairytales are characterized by rationalistic approach to life, there dreams and harsh reality are combined,

Слайд 5Full of witches, talking animals, foolish yet lucky men, and wise

people of all ages, Russian folk tales entertained and en-lightened generations of Russians
Full of witches, talking animals, foolish yet lucky men, and wise people of all ages, Russian folk

Слайд 8Paul Bunyan 
North America was a great big land  With a great,

big job to be done  A job that needed a great, big man  Paul Bunyan was the one.  Hey Paul!  Paul Bunyan! (Paul Bunyan!).  He's sixty three ax handles high,  With his feet on the ground,  and head in the sky.  Hey Paul!  Paul Bunyan! (Paul Bunyan!)
Paul Bunyan    North America was a great big land  With a great, big job to

Слайд 9Pecos Bill Rides a Tornado
Now everyone in the West

knows that Pecos Bill could ride anything. No bronco could throw him, no sir! Fact is, I only heard of Bill getting' throwed once in his whole career as a cowboy. Yep, it was that time he was up Kansas way and decided to ride him a tornado.
Pecos Bill Rides a Tornado  Now everyone in the West knows that Pecos Bill could ride

Слайд 10Now Bill wasn't gonna ride jest any tornado, no ma'am. He

waited for the biggest gol-durned tornado you ever saw. It was turning the sky black and green, and roaring so loud it woke up the farmers away over in China. Well, Bill jest grabbed that there tornado, pushed it to the ground and jumped on its back. The tornado whipped and whirled and sidewinded and generally cussed its bad luck all the way down to Texas. Tied the rivers into knots, flattened all the forests so bad they had to rename one place the Staked Plains. But Bill jest rode along all calm-like, give it an occasional jab with his spurs.

Now Bill wasn't gonna ride jest any tornado, no ma'am. He waited for the biggest gol-durned tornado

Слайд 11Finally, that tornado decided it wasn't getting this cowboy off its

back no-how. So it headed west to California and jest rained itself out. Made so much water it washed out the Grand Canyon. That tornado was down to practically nothing when Bill finally fell off. He hit the ground so hard it sank below sea level. Folks call the spot Death Valley.
Anyway, that's how rodeo got started. Though most cowboys stick to broncos these days.
Finally, that tornado decided it wasn't getting this cowboy off its back no-how. So it headed west

Слайд 12Proverbs & sayings
Не красна изба углами, а красна пирогами
Гость доволен -

хозяин рад
Работа не волк, в лес не убежит
Хоть три дня не есть, лишь с печи не слезть
Где работа, там и густо, а в ленивом
доме пусто
Без труда не вытянешь и рыбку из пруда
Один в поле не воин

Proverbs & sayingsНе красна изба углами, а красна пирогамиГость доволен - хозяин радРабота не волк, в лес

Слайд 15Slavic folklore is rich in mythical creatures: Baba Yaga, Koshchei the

Immortal, various Nezhit (domovoi, kikimora, leshii, licho etc)
Slavic folklore is rich in mythical creatures: Baba Yaga, Koshchei the Immortal, various Nezhit (domovoi, kikimora, leshii,

Слайд 17Legends
As the USA is a country of various nations it includes

legends of native Americans (Cherokee rose - two wolves etc.) and Americans formed of folks arrived from abroad
Christmas Gift,
Arkansas traveler etc.)
LegendsAs the USA is a country of various nations it includes legends of native Americans (Cherokee rose

Слайд 18The urban legends

The urban legends

Слайд 19Byliny songs are loosely based on historical fact, greatly embellished with

fantasy or hyperbole to create their songs.
Byliny songs are loosely based on historical fact, greatly embellished with fantasy or hyperbole to create their

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