Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Чудеса древнего мира


The aims of the lesson:a) to get introduced the students with the ancient wonders of the worldb) to develop students’ skills and habits in reading, speaking, writing, listening and logical critical thinking

Слайд 16th form unit 7 «look into the past» умк-Комарова ю.а. «Английский язык»

6 класс автор шалыгина г.м. гор. лесосибирск мбоу сош №2

Wonders of the Ancient World

6th form unit 7 «look into the past» умк-Комарова ю.а. «Английский язык» 6 класс автор шалыгина г.м.

Слайд 2The aims of the lesson:
a) to get introduced the students with

the ancient wonders of the world
b) to develop students’ skills and habits in reading, speaking, writing, listening and logical critical thinking
The aims of the lesson:a) to get introduced the students with the ancient wonders of the worldb)

Слайд 3 Stonehenge
Salisbury [ˈsɒlzbərɪ]-Солсбери
enormous [ɪˈnɔːməs] –
Carry-нести, переносить
vehicles [ˈviːɪklz]-средства

ancient [ˈeɪnʃənt] древний, старинный
stone [stəʊn] камень сircle [ˈsɜːrkl]-круг
religious [rɪˈlɪdʒəs] религиозный ceremony [ˈsɛrɪməni ] церемония

originally [əˈrɪdʒənəli] исходно

pay attention to the pronunciation of these words:

StonehengeSalisbury [ˈsɒlzbərɪ]-Солсбериenormous [ɪˈnɔːməs] – гигантскийCarry-нести, переноситьvehicles [ˈviːɪklz]-средства транспортаboat[bəʊt]-лодкаancient [ˈeɪnʃənt] древний, старинныйstone [stəʊn] камень

Слайд 4Tutankhamon
Burried his mummy in a tomb in the Valley of

the kings-Похоронили его мумию в гробнице в долине царей
Gold and treasure-золото и сокровища
The afterlife--загробная жизнь(мир)
Egyptian [iˈdʒɪpʃn] египетский
clothes [kləʊ(ð)z] одежда

mummy [ˈmʌmi ] мумия

tomb [ tuːm ] гробница

Tutankhamon  Die-умиратьBurried his mummy in a tomb in the Valley of the kings-Похоронили его мумию в

Слайд 5The Parthenon in Athens
The Parthenon [ˈpɒθɪnən]-
in Athens-в Афинах
The Goddess of war-Богиня

Apollo [əˈpɔləʊ]-Аполлон
Athena [əˈθiːnə] Афина
Aphrodite [ˌafrəˈdʌɪti] Афродита
Athens [aθɪnz] Афины
explosion[ɪksˈpləʊʒən] –взрыв
traffic [ˈtrafɪk] транспорт
Greece [ɡriːs] Греция

The Parthenon in AthensThe Parthenon [ˈpɒθɪnən]-Парфенонin Athens-в АфинахGods-БогиTemple-храмThe Goddess of war-Богиня войныApollo [əˈpɔləʊ]-АполлонZeus-ЗевсAthena [əˈθiːnə] АфинаAphrodite [ˌafrəˈdʌɪti] Афродита

Слайд 6the explanation the word “wonder”
Let’s find out

what the word “wonder “means?

1.surprise,- удивление,
2.amazement- изумление

the explanation the word “wonder”    Let’s find out what the word   “wonder

Слайд 7pay attention to the definition of these words:
1.wonder(something that is very

2.ancient(very old)
3.temple( a building used for prayer in some regions)
4.impressive -making you admire something
5.afterlife-the life after the death
pay attention to the definition  of these words: 1.wonder(something that is very impressive)2.ancient(very old)3.temple( a building

Слайд 8После чтения текста с маркировкой учащиеся заполняют маркировочную таблицу Инсерт,

После чтения текста с маркировкой учащиеся заполняют маркировочную таблицу Инсерт,

Слайд 9 Use the word combinations to build a logical cluster.
the Parthenon


The Goddess of war-

Use the word combinations to build a logical cluster. the ParthenontempleTraffic polutionThe Goddess of war-

Слайд 10
Из изучаемого текста записываеются любые варианты лексическихъ единиц в круги (подбираются

существительные .(прилагательные+ сущ, глаголы + предлог +сущ .и т.д.) по изучаемой теме.

The prehistoric monument
The enormous stones
Traffic polution
Original temple

Full of gold and treasure
Be in ruins.
Carry them down the river
Travel to the afterlife

down the river
in ruins
in danger
on boats

Circles on the water

Salisbury [ˈsɒlzbərɪ]

The Parthenon



Из изучаемого текста записываеются любые варианты лексическихъ единиц в круги (подбираются существительные .(прилагательные+ сущ, глаголы + предлог

Слайд 11Answer the questions about the places

Answer the questions about the places

Слайд 12Match the two halves and make a sentence:
1.Stone Age people started

was only 18 when
3. Today the Parthenon is in ruins,
4.There weren’t any vehicles in those days-
5.His tomb was full of
6.The Parthenon in Athens was

A) a temple for Athena.
B)to build the stone circle.
C)gold and treasure.
E)when he died.
F)because of explosion.
G))perhaps people carried them down the river on boats.

Match the two halves and make a sentence: 1.Stone Age people started2.He was only 18 when3. Today

Слайд 13Match the two halves and make a sentence:
1.Stone Age people started

was only 18 when
3. Today the Parthenon is in ruins,
4.There weren’t any vehicles in those days-
5.His tomb was full of
6.The Parthenon in Athens was

A) a temple for Athena.
B)to build the stone circle.
C)gold and treasure.
E)when he died.
F)because of explosion.
G))perhaps people carried them down the river on boats.

1-b, 2-e, 3-f, 4-g, 5-c, 6-a

Match the two halves and make a sentence: 1.Stone Age people started2.He was only 18 when3. Today

Слайд 14Speaking.
Task: Imagine you can save one of the Wonders of the

world from destruction.
Which one would you choose to save and why?


Speaking.Task: Imagine you can save one of the Wonders of the world from destruction.Which one would you

Слайд 15
Tell us about the most interesting wonders from your point

of view.


Tell us about the most interesting wonders from your point of view. Speaking.

Слайд 16Write a short essay on this topic.

Write a short essay on this topic.

Слайд 17make a project-The Wonders of Krasnoyarsk Region . 
The Rock Pillars Of Krasnoyarsk Stolby 
Krasnoyarsk krai -

the land of lakes and rivers.

make a project-The Wonders of Krasnoyarsk Region . The Rock Pillars Of Krasnoyarsk Stolby Krasnoyarsk krai - the land of lakes and

Слайд 18Ю.А. Комарова, И.В. Ларионова, К. Макбет. «Английский язык». Учебник для 6

класса общеобразовательных учреждений. – М.: ООО «Русское слово - учебник»: Макмиллан, 2014. Книга для учителя к учебнику Ю.А. Комаровой, И.В. Ларионовой, К. Макбет. «Английский язык». 6 класс / Ю.А. Комарова, И.В. Ларионова, Ф. Мохлин.

Источники информации:

Ю.А. Комарова, И.В. Ларионова, К. Макбет. «Английский язык». Учебник для 6 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. – М.: ООО

Слайд 19Homework.
Do the crossword with your friend
on this topic.

Homework.Do the crossword with your friendon this topic.

Слайд 20Theme: «look into the past»
objectives:1-grammar-be in the past simple
Reading skills:reading the

text «The wonders of the Ancient World»
Listening skills: listen to the audio guide
Theme: «look into the past»objectives:1-grammar-be in the past simpleReading skills:reading the text «The wonders of the Ancient

Слайд 21Look into the Past(part 2) grammar

ex 2.Read the texts again. Are the

sentences true or false?

Ex.3 Read 3 texts and answer the questions
Look into the Past(part 2) grammarex 2.Read the texts again. Are the sentences true or false?Ex.3 Read 3

Слайд 22grammar:there was/there were
ex.2, 3,6,8-page92

grammar:there was/there wereex.2, 3,6,8-page92

Слайд 23Ex3, page92
evaluation criterion

Ex3, page92evaluation criterionБалл-отметка6-55-54-43-32-21-1

Слайд 24Ex 4,page92 Let’s check up.

Ex 4,page92 Let’s check up.

Слайд 25Check up ex 2,page 92

Check up ex 2,page 92

Слайд 26Typical Roman house
Ex 6, page 92
1-there wasn’t,
2-there were,
3-there was,

5-there weren’t
evaluation criterion

Complete the sentences with
There were/was , there weren’t/wasn’t

Typical Roman houseEx 6, page 921-there wasn’t, 2-there were, 3-there was,4-there were,5-there weren’tevaluation criterionБалл-отметка5-54-43-32-21-1Complete the sentences with

Слайд 27Let’s check up ex.8, page92
dinosaurs [ˈdaɪnəsɔːz]
evaluation criterion – критерий оценки
invasion [ɪnˈveɪʒən]-

Civil war-гражданская война

dinosaurs [ˈdaɪnəsɔːz]- динозавр

nuclear bomb [ˈnjuːklɪə bɔm]- ядерная бомба

Let’s check up ex.8, page92dinosaurs [ˈdaɪnəsɔːz]evaluation criterion – критерий оценкиБалл-отметка5-54-43-32-21-1invasion [ɪnˈveɪʒən]- вторжениеCivil war-гражданская война dinosaurs [ˈdaɪnəsɔːz]- динозавр

Слайд 28Reflection
Students Check Form. Name _________________________ Class______________________
Now I know…….. Very well

OK Not very well
The verb be in the past
About Wonders of the Ancient World .

What have you learnt today?

ReflectionStudents Check Form. Name _________________________ Class______________________ Now I know…….. Very well  OK  Not very well

Слайд 29https://yandex.ru/images/search?p=2&text=типичный%20римский%20дом%20бедного%20жителя
Учебник Комаровой»Английский язык» 6класс

https://yandex.ru/images/search?p=2&text=типичный%20римский%20дом%20бедного%20жителяУчебник Комаровой»Английский язык» 6класс

Слайд 30Интернет ресурсы:
Цветы: http://vision7.ru/publ/krasivoe_oformlenie_dlja_sajtov_i_blogov/klipart_quot_sinie_cvety_quot/31-1-0-2490

Интернет ресурсы:Цветы: http://vision7.ru/publ/krasivoe_oformlenie_dlja_sajtov_i_blogov/klipart_quot_sinie_cvety_quot/31-1-0-2490

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