Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Grammer 9 class

Objectives: To enrich pupil’s knowledge by this themeTo develop pupil’s abilities in speechTo educate the feelings of love towards our Motherland- KazakhstanStudent must be able to use modal verbsTo fasten the studied material in exercises.

Слайд 1 Teacher of English Alipova N.К.
Grammar practice MODAL VERBS
(should, may, might ,can,

could, must)
Teacher of English Alipova N.К. Grammar

Слайд 2Objectives:
To enrich pupil’s knowledge by this theme
To develop pupil’s abilities

in speech
To educate the feelings of love towards our Motherland- Kazakhstan
Student must be able to use modal verbs
To fasten the studied material in exercises.

Objectives:  To enrich pupil’s knowledge by this themeTo develop pupil’s abilities in speechTo educate the feelings

Слайд 3Checking up home work: ex 14 P 92
Answer the questions:
Which month

is the hottest in Almaty? Which month is the coldest in Almaty?
Which month is the hottest in your city?
Which month is the coldest in your city?
Which month is the hottest in Astana?
Which month is the coldest in Astana?
Checking up home work:  ex 14 P 92 Answer the questions:Which month is the hottest in

Слайд 4“Kazakhstan is my motherland ”.

“Kazakhstan is my motherland ”.

Слайд 6Population of Kazakhstan is about 16,870,000 peoples.

Population of Kazakhstan is about 16,870,000 peoples.

Слайд 7 Astana.


Слайд 8Western Kazakhstan

Western Kazakhstan

Слайд 9Northern Kazakhstan

Northern Kazakhstan

Слайд 10Central and Eastern Kazakhstan

Central and Eastern Kazakhstan

Слайд 11Southern Kazakhstan

Southern Kazakhstan

Слайд 12Vocabulary and pronunciation

Vocabulary and pronunciation 

Слайд 13Modal verbs
(can, could, must, should, may, might, would) are auxiliary

verbs that express ability, necessity, request, permission, advice, desire, probability, etc. Modal verbs express the speaker's attitude to the action indicated by the main verb.
модалді етістер(can, could, must, should, may, might, would) – зарды, өтінішті, рұқсатты, ақылды, көңілді, мүмкіндікті және т.д. білдіретін- қосалқы етістер. Модалді етістер айтушының қатынасын негізгі етіспен көрсетілген әрекетке білдіретін.
Modal verbs  (can, could, must, should, may, might, would) are auxiliary verbs that express ability, necessity,

Слайд 14Rules of our school

Rules of our school

Слайд 15Rules of our school

Rules of our school

Слайд 16Сравните: салыстыр
My daughter can sing.
Моя дочь

умеет петь. (способность)
Менің қызым ән салу біледі. (зейін)
she could sing at the age of five. Она (уже) умела петь в возрасте пяти лет.
Ол бес жасында ән салып білді
Сравните:  салыстырMy daughter can sing.    Моя дочь  умеет петь. (способность)Менің қызым ән

Слайд 17 We must help each other. (duty) Мы должны помогать друг другу. (должен) Біз

бір-бірімізге көмектесуіміз керек.(міндет) You should see a doctor. (advice) Вам следует показаться врачу.(совет) Сен дәрігерге көрінуін қажет. (ақыл)
We must help each other. (duty) Мы должны

Слайд 18 You may go. (permission) Ты можешь идти.(разрешение) Бара беруіңе болады. (рұқсат) May I

help you? Разрешите вам помочь. Сізге көмектессем болама? .
You may go. (permission)  Ты можешь идти.(разрешение) Бара беруіңе болады. (рұқсат)

Слайд 19The sky is overcast. It might rain this evening. (to forecast)

– Пасмурно. Вечером, может быть, пойдет дождь.. (прогнозировать) Түнеріңкі. Кешке, мүмкін, жаңбыр болады. (болжау)
The sky is overcast. It might rain this evening. (to forecast) –  Пасмурно. Вечером, может быть,

Слайд 201. Complete the following sentences using the most appropriate forms of

the verbs.
I …………. sleep for hours when I was a little girls.
I’m sorry, you didn’t invite me to your birthday party. You ………….. invite me next time.
Well, it’s 10 o’clock. I …………… go now.
You ……………….… smoke so much.

1. Complete the following sentences using the most appropriate forms of the verbs.I …………. sleep for hours

Слайд 21 1. Actors may learn a lot of dialogues by heart.

2. Your glass is empty. Must I refill it? 3. Would I introduce Mr. Brown to you? 4. My sister can to play a few musical instruments. 5. Some years ago I didn’t can speak English.

There is a mistake in each sentence. Correct the mistakes.

1. Actors may learn a lot of dialogues by heart.   2. Your glass is

Слайд 22 1. Actors CAN learn a lot of dialogues by heart.

2. Your glass is empty. MAY I refill it? 3. CAN I introduce Mr. Brown to you? 4. My sister can to play a few musical instruments. 5. Some years ago I COULDN’T speak English.

There is a mistake in each sentence. Correct the mistakes.

1. Actors CAN learn a lot of dialogues by heart.   2. Your glass is

Слайд 23 individual work өздік жұмыс (саrds) CAN, COULD,MAY, MIGHT, MUST, SHOULD

individual work өздік жұмыс (саrds)   CAN, COULD,MAY, MIGHT, MUST, SHOULD

Слайд 24 Home-work: ex 1 p 93 Translate the text “Wild Life”

Home-work:  ex 1 p 93  Translate the text “Wild Life”

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