Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Present Perfect

The Present Perfect

Слайд 1Present Perfect
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Present Perfect*Заголовок презентации

Слайд 2 The Present Perfect

The Present Perfect

Слайд 3Present Perfect Questions.

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Present Perfect Questions.*Заголовок презентации

Слайд 4Put the questions to the given answers.
I have prepared the task.

I have not time.
We have.
They have answered this question.
I have written 5 reports.
I have never been to Spain.
He has not come yet.
We have been to this restaurant.

Put the questions to the given answers.I have prepared the task.Because I have not time.We have.They have

Слайд 5Present Perfect Your ideas.
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Present Perfect Your ideas.*Заголовок презентации

Слайд 6Continue…
Is it raining?-No, it…….
I can’t find my keys. Have you………
Where is

my car? I have just………..
Let’s go to the cinema to see a new comedy. O! I have………..
Please, bring me my book back. Sorry,I have not…………………
Are the children at home? No, they have……………….
Is Sally enjoying her new job? I don’t know, she has not…………………..
Why does not the telephone work? Have you…………it?
You are late. Where ……………..?
This music is new for me. I am sure,I have not………
I have not…………… Can I read it again?


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Continue…Is it raining?-No, it…….I can’t find my keys. Have you………Where is my car? I have just………..Let’s go

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