Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему И. Бунин (7 класс)

Moments in the life of Ivan Bunin…Born into an old aristocratic family. Family since 1867 rented housing in the estate of Herman's where he was born and lived the first three years of his life, the

Слайд 1Ivan Bunin
( 1870 -1953)

Ivan Bunin( 1870 -1953)

Слайд 2Moments in the life of Ivan Bunin…
Born into an old aristocratic

family. Family since 1867 rented housing in the estate of Herman's where he was born and lived the first three years of his life, the future writer. Father Alexey Bunin (1827-1906), in his youth was an officer, mother Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Bunina (1835-1910).
Moments in the life of Ivan Bunin…Born into an old aristocratic family. Family since 1867 rented housing

Слайд 3 lyrical poetry
Later the family moved to the estate of the

ponds in the Oryol province (now Lipetsk region). To 11 years, Ivan was brought up at home, in 1881 entered the Yelets school, and in 1886 returns home and continues his education under the guidance of the older brother of Julia. Many were engaged in self-education, interested in reading the world and Russian literary classics. At the age of 17, began to write poetry, in 1887, made his debut in print. In 1889 he moved to eagle and goes to work as a proofreader in the local newspaper "Orel Gazette. By this time, is his continuing relationship with the employee of this newspaper Barbara Pashchenko, they are against the wishes of Rodney moved to Poltava (1892).

Compilations "Poems" (eagle, 1891), "the open air" (1898), "leaf" (1901).


lyrical poetryLater the family moved to the estate of the ponds in the Oryol province (now

Слайд 4Moments of life
In 1895 personally met with Anton Chekhov, which until

then was in correspondence. By this time, his acquaintance with the Russian army with Myrrh, K. Balmont, V. Brusov.

In the 1890s traveled on the ship "Chaika" ("bark with wood") on the Dnieper river and visited the grave of Taras Shevchenko, who was much loved and then translated. A few years later wrote an essay On "the Seagull", which was published in the children's illustrated magazine "Shoots" (1898, No. 21, November 1).

23 September 1898 marries Anna Nikolaevna Takni, the daughter of a revolutionary populist, rich Odessa Greek Nikolai Petrovich, Zacny. The marriage was short-lived, only child died at the age of 5 (1905). Since 1906 Bunin cohabits (civil marriage is decorated in 1922) with Vera Nikolaevna Muromtsevo, niece, S. A. Muromtsev, Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Empire of the 1st convocation.

In April-May 1907 visited Palestine, Syria and Egypt.

Bunin twice (1903, 1909) was awarded the Pushkin prize. November 1, 1909, he was elected an honorary academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in the category of fine literature…

In the summer of 1918 Bunin moved from the Bolsheviks in Moscow occupied by Austrian troops Odessa. With the approaching in April 1919 to the city of the Red Army does not migrate and remained in Odessa.

Welcomed the capture of the city Volunteer army in August 1919, personally thanked arrived on 7 October in Odessa General A. I. Denikin, actively cooperated with OSWEG in the Armed forces of South Russia. In February 1920, when the Bolsheviks left Russia. Emigrated to France. During these years kept a diary "Cursed days", partially lost, struck contemporaries precision of language and a passionate hatred of the Bolsheviks.

Moments of lifeIn 1895 personally met with Anton Chekhov, which until then was in correspondence. By this

Слайд 5Moments of life
In exile led an active social and political activities:

lectured, worked with Russian political organizations nationalist and monarchist direction, regularly published journalistic articles. In 1924, made with the famous Manifesto on the tasks of the Russian Diaspora with respect to Russia and Bolshevism: "the Mission of the Russian emigration", which gave his assessment of what happened with Russia and the Bolshevik leader V. I. Lenin:
Was Russia which was great, full of all kinds of treasure house inhabited by a powerful family, created blessed the labours of many generations, sanctified by religion, the memory of the past and all that is called cult and culture. What did they do? Paid for the overthrow of the steward complete defeat literally the whole house and unheard of fratricide, all those horribly bloody farce, the terrible consequences of which are incalculable... Planetary villain, shaded by a banner mocking the call for freedom, brotherhood, equality, high around her neck was a Russian "savage" and called in the mud stomp conscience, shame, love, mercy... Geek, moral idiot from birth, Lenin showed the world just at the peak of its activity, something dreadful, terrific, he destroyed the greatest country in the world and killed millions of people, and in broad daylight argue: the benefactor of mankind he or not?

Often changed their place of residence Bunin wrote: “Oh, if you stop to travel from apartment to apartment! When life lead the way I especially feel this life, this earth's existence as a temporary stay at some junction!”.
The winner of the Nobel prize for literature in 1933 for "the strict artistry with which he has carried on the classical Russian traditions in The Second World War (October 1939 to 1945) held on removable Villa "Jeannette" in Grasse (Alpes-Maritimes Department).
And actively engaged in literary work, becoming one of the major figures of the Russian Diaspora.
In exile Bunin wrote his best works, such as: "Mitya's love" (1924), “Sunstroke" (1925), "the Case of cornet Elagin" (1925), and, finally, "the Life of Arseniev" (1927-1929, 1933) and the cycle of stories "Dark alleys" (1938-40). These works have become a new word in the works of Bunin, and Russian literature in general. According to K. G. Paustovsky, "the Life of Arseniev" is not only a problem to the work of Russian literature, but also "one of the most remarkable phenomena of world literature“

Moments of lifeIn exile led an active social and political activities: lectured, worked with Russian political organizations

Слайд 6Moments of life
According to the Chekhov Publishing house", in

the last months of life Bunin worked on a literary portrait of A. P. Chekhov, the work remains unfinished (in the book "the Looping ears and other stories, New York, 1953). Died in his sleep at two in the morning from 7 to 8 November 1953 in Paris. According to eyewitnesses, writer on the bed lay the Roman L. N. Tolstoy's "Resurrection«,he was Buried in the cemetery of Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois in France.

In 1929-1954, works by Bunin in the USSR were not released. Since 1955, is the most published in the USSR, the writer of the first wave of Russian emigration (several collections of essays, many one-volume editions).

Some works ("Cursed days", etc.) printed in the USSR only with the beginning of perestroika.

Ivan Bunin is the last Russian classic, depicting Russia in the late XIX - early XX century. "...One of the last rays of some wondrous Russian day", wrote critic of Bunin G. V. Adamovich…
Moments of life  According to the Chekhov Publishing house

Слайд 7Works
Novels ("The Life Of Arseniev«) The story "The village" (1908)
"The dry land" (1912)
«Mitya's love"

(1924) Stories "Numbers" (1898)
"At the end of the world and other stories (1897)
"Antonovka apples" (1900)
"Wild flowers" (1901)
"Asthma" (St. Petersburg, 1911)
WorksNovels (

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