Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Достопримечательности Лондона(6 класс)


London is the capital of Great Britain. It is very old.

Слайд 1

A trip to London
Sights of London

A trip to LondonSights of London

Слайд 2 London is the capital of Great Britain. It is very old.

London is the capital of Great Britain.  It is very old.

Слайд 3London is situated on the river Thames.

London is situated on the river Thames.

Слайд 4There are many sights in London.

There are many sights in London.

Слайд 5Victoria Station is a big, old famous station.

Victoria Station is a big, old famous station.

Слайд 6Victoria Station

Victoria Station

Слайд 7Victoria Station

Victoria Station

Слайд 8Trafalgar Square is a famous square in the centre of London

Trafalgar Square is a famous square in the centre of London

Слайд 9Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square

Слайд 10Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square

Слайд 11Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square

Слайд 12Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square

Слайд 13There is Nelson’s column on Trafalgar Square

There is Nelson’s column on Trafalgar Square

Слайд 14Адмирал Горацио Нельсон
sea battles
Nelson’s statue
national hero
sea battles
Адмирал Горацио Нельсон

Адмирал Горацио Нельсонsea battles Nelson’s statuenational herosea battlesАдмирал Горацио Нельсон

Слайд 15Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square

Слайд 16St James’s Park is a park in the centre of London

St James’s Park is a park in the centre of London

Слайд 17St James’s Park

St James’s Park

Слайд 18St James’s Park

St James’s Park

Слайд 19Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace

Слайд 20Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace

Слайд 21Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the Queen.

Elizabeth the Queen

Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the Queen.Elizabeth the Queen

Слайд 22Ворота Букингемского дворца

Ворота Букингемского дворца

Слайд 23BigBen
a famоus сloсk towеr in thе сеntrе of London.

BigBen a famоus сloсk towеr in thе сеntrе of London.

Слайд 24Big Ben

Big Ben

Слайд 25The Houses of Parliament

The Houses of Parliament

Слайд 27
St. Paul’s Cathedral is the main church of London.

Many famous people

are buried here.

St. Paul's Cathedral

St. Paul’s Cathedral is the main church of London.Many famous people are buried here.St. Paul's Cathedral

Слайд 28The Tower

The Tower

Слайд 29The Tower

The Tower

Слайд 30The Tower of London is a famous museum. It is very

The Tower of London is a famous museum.  It is very old.

Слайд 31The Tower of London
used to be
a fortress,

a prison,
a royal zoo
and now is one of the biggest museum
in the world.
The Tower of London used to be  a fortress,  a prison,  a royal zoo

Слайд 32Beefeaters - Бифитеры

Когда то были
стражниками Тауэра.
В настоящее время 38
бифитеров встречают
гостей тауэра,

фотографируются с
туристами и кормит
Beefeaters - БифитерыКогда то былистражниками Тауэра.В настоящее время 38бифитеров встречаютгостей тауэра, водятэкскурсии,фотографируются стуристами и кормитворонов.

Слайд 33Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge

Слайд 34Westminster Abbey
is a famous
It is very old

Westminster Abbeyis a famous museum.  It is very old

Слайд 35There is the Coronation chair in it. There are the tombs of

king and queens.
There is the Coronation chair in it.  There are the tombs of king and queens.

Слайд 36The Globe is a famous theatre. It is not old.

The Globe  is a famous theatre.  It is not old.

Слайд 37You can watch Shakespeare’s plays in the Globe.

You can watch Shakespeare’s plays in the Globe.

Слайд 38

People don’t sit .

They stand on the ground near the stage.

People don’t sit .They stand on the ground near the stage.

Слайд 39The Natural History Museum is a famous museum. It is not

The Natural History Museum  is a famous museum. It is not old.

Слайд 40At the museum you can learn about the history of dinosaurs,

plants, animals and minerals.
At the museum you can learn about the history of dinosaurs, plants, animals and minerals.

Слайд 42Главные ворота Гайд Парка

Главные ворота Гайд Парка

Слайд 43Hyde Park

Hyde Park

Слайд 44Madam Tussaud’s & the London Planetarium

Madam Tussaud’s & the London Planetarium

Слайд 46Madam Tussaud’s museum of wax figures.

Madam Tussaud’s museum of wax figures.

Слайд 48The London Eye

The London Eye

Слайд 50Sherlock Holmes’s House, 221b Baker Street, London.

Sherlock Holmes’s House, 221b Baker Street, London.

Слайд 51The Greenwich Observatory

Гринвичская королевская обсерватория —
основная астрономическая организация Великобритании.

Организована в 1675 г. королем Карлом II Организована в 1675 г. королем Карлом II для уточнения жизненно важных для мореплавателей координат Организована в 1675 г. королем Карлом II для уточнения жизненно важных для мореплавателей координат и вначале размещалась в предместье Лондон Организована в 1675 г. королем Карлом II для уточнения жизненно важных для мореплавателей координат и вначале размещалась в предместье Лондона Гринвиче. 
Поясное время Поясное время исчисляется от проходящего через обсерваторию гринвичского меридиана.
В 1953 г. большая часть обсерватории переведена из зданий, спроектированных 
Кристофером РеномКристофером Реном, в позднесредневековый замок 
Хёрстмонсо (70 км к юго-западу).

The Greenwich Observatory Гринвичская королевская обсерватория — основная  астрономическая организация Великобритании.   Организована в 1675 г.

Слайд 52Royal Greenwich Observatory

Royal Greenwich Observatory

Слайд 53“The London Gherkin”

is named after its shape and green glass

of the windows.
It is a skyscraper in and it was built in 2004 as a business center.

“The London Gherkin” is named after its shape and green glass of the windows.  It is

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