Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Reading.Why not?

1)Who is in the picture? 1. Pushkin 2. Lermontov 3. Dostoevsky 4. Tolstoy

Слайд 1Literary quiz

Literary quiz

Слайд 21)Who is in the picture?
1. Pushkin
2. Lermontov
3. Dostoevsky

4. Tolstoy
1)Who is in the picture? 1. Pushkin 2. Lermontov 3. Dostoevsky 4. Tolstoy

Слайд 32) Who wrote the novel “Eugene Onegin”?
1.Chekhov 2.Balmont

3. Saltykov-Shchedrin 4. Pushkin

3)What genre did Agatha Christie write in?

1. fantasy 2. poetry 3. detective stories 4. horror books

4)What is the most famous Shakespeare’s tragedy?

1. Romeo and Juliet 2. The Twelfth Night 3. Richard III

5)What city became the setting for the Harry Potter films?

1. Buckingham 2.Oxford 3.Stratford –(up)on-Avon

6)Who wrote the book The Turkish Gambit?

1. A. Pushkin 2. M. Lermontov 3. F. Dostoyevsky 4. B. Akunin

7) What genre is the book about Sherlock Holmes?

1. novel 2. fantasy 3. detective 4. science fiction

8)Where did the Lord of the Rings film come from?

1. Russia 2. USA 3. New Zealand 4. Germany

2) Who wrote the novel “Eugene Onegin”? 1.Chekhov   2.Balmont   3. Saltykov-Shchedrin

Слайд 49)Who is in the picture?
1. Pushkin
2. Lermontov
3. Dostoevsky


9)Who is in the picture?1. Pushkin 2. Lermontov 3. Dostoevsky 4. Tolstoy

Слайд 510)Which book is not wanted here? Why?
1. The Captain's Daughter 2.

Fairy Tales 3. Eugene Onegin 4. Dead Souls

11)"Right or wrong?"

A fairy tale is a book that tells an exciting story about crime.
"Alice in Wonderland" was written by Lewis Carroll.
Shakespeare was born in London.
Robert Burns is a Scottish poet.
"Romeo and Juliet" - a comedy.
Dictionaries are books about hobbies, crafts, plants, animals and weather.

12)Who spent 28 years on an uninhabited island?

13)What girl played an unusual croquet with live flamingos and hedgehogs?

10)Which book is not wanted here? Why?1. The Captain's Daughter 2. Fairy Tales 3. Eugene Onegin 4.

Слайд 61)2 2)4 3)3 4)1

5)2 6)4 7)3 8)3 9)4 10)4 11)2 ,4 12) Robinson Crusoe 13) Alice
1)2   2)4   3)3   4)1  5)2  6)4   7)3

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