Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему (Благотворительные организации)

What do you do for charity?

Слайд 1What are we going to speak about?

What are we going to speak about?

Слайд 8What do you do for charity?

What do you do for charity?

Слайд 9
A charity is an organization that helps poor people
A volunteer

is a person who helps without any money

An orphan is a child whose parents are dead

Disabled people are people who can not use a part of their body

Needy people are people who have very little food or money

Lonely people are unhappy people because they are alone

Homeless people are people who have no place to live

A donation is money that somebody gives to help a person or organization


A charity is an organization that helps poor peopleA volunteer is a person who helps without

Слайд 10Who does Helen help?

nursing home

reading books


care for



Who does Helen help?volunteersnursing homereading booksSupportingcare formoneydifference

Слайд 11We can help by V+ ing

We can help by V+ ing

Слайд 12Charities in Russia

Charities in Russia

Слайд 13The International Charity Fund of Vladimir Spivakov

The International Charity Fund of Vladimir Spivakov

Слайд 14“Charity”


Слайд 15“Give me life”

“Give me life”

Слайд 19We can make the difference!

We can make the difference!

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