Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Здоровый образ жизни

HealthHealth is the general condition of a person in all aspects. From Google dictionary: "The state of being free from illness or injury". Achieving and maintaining health is an ongoing process. Effective strategies for staying healthy

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Слайд 2Health
Health is the general condition of a person in all aspects.

From Google dictionary: "The state of being free from illness or injury". Achieving and maintaining health is an ongoing process. Effective strategies for staying healthy and improving one's health include the following elements: Health science, Workplace wellness programs, Healthy eating.
HealthHealth is the general condition of a person in all aspects. From Google dictionary:

Слайд 4Health science
Health science is the branch of science focused on health,

and it includes many subdisciplines. There are two approaches to health science: the study and researchHealth science is the branch of science focused on health, and it includes many subdisciplines. There are two approaches to health science: the study and research of the human body and health-related issues to understand how humans (and animals) function, and the application of that knowledge to improve health and to prevent and cure diseases .
Health scienceHealth science is the branch of science focused on health, and it includes many subdisciplines. There

Слайд 6Programs
Workplace wellness programs are recognized by an increasingly large number of

companies for their value in improving the health and well-being of their employees, and for increasing morale, loyalty, and productivity.Workplace wellness programs can include things like on-site fitness centers, health presentations, wellness newsletters, access to health coaching, tobacco cessation programs and training related to nutritionWorkplace wellness programs are recognized by an increasingly large number of companies for their value in improving the health and well-being of their employees, and for increasing morale, loyalty, and productivity.Workplace wellness programs can include things like on-site fitness centers, health presentations, wellness newsletters, access to health coaching, tobacco cessation programs and training related to nutrition, weightWorkplace wellness programs are recognized by an increasingly large number of companies for their value in improving the health and well-being of their employees, and for increasing morale, loyalty, and productivity.Workplace wellness programs can include things like on-site fitness centers, health presentations, wellness newsletters, access to health coaching, tobacco cessation programs and training related to nutrition, weight and stress management. Other programs may include health risk assessmentsWorkplace wellness programs are recognized by an increasingly large number of companies for their value in improving the health and well-being of their employees, and for increasing morale, loyalty, and productivity.Workplace wellness programs can include things like on-site fitness centers, health presentations, wellness newsletters, access to health coaching, tobacco cessation programs and training related to nutrition, weight and stress management. Other programs may include health risk assessments, health screenings and body mass index monitoring.
ProgramsWorkplace wellness programs are recognized by an increasingly large number of companies for their value in improving

Слайд 8Healthy eating.
Who said healthy eating needs to be boring? Focus at

Health is eating delicious, fresh, whole foods to achieve your ideal weight. I also strive to bring you the best, most reliable and up to date information on new changes and studies in nutrition and health. Eating healthy is an important component to living a long and healthy life. But what I want you to understand is that any healthy diet also allows for some indulgence. Although changing your lifestyle can be challenging.
Healthy eating.Who said healthy eating needs to be boring? Focus at Health is eating delicious, fresh, whole

Слайд 10Family Meals
What counts as a family meal? Any time you and

your family eat together — whether it's takeout food or a home-cooked meal with all the trimmings. Strive for nutritious food and a time when everyone can be there. This may mean eating dinner a little later to accommodate a child who's at sports practice. It can also mean setting aside time on the weekends, such as Sunday brunch, when it may be more convenient to gather as a group.
Family MealsWhat counts as a family meal? Any time you and your family eat together — whether

Слайд 12Rules for Children
Family meals are a comforting ritual for both parents

and kids. Children like the predictability of family meals and parents get a chance to catch up with their kids. Kids who take part in regular family meals are also:
more likely to eat fruits, vegetables, and grains
less likely to snack on unhealthy foods
less likely to smoke, use marijuana, or drink alcohol

Rules for ChildrenFamily meals are a comforting ritual for both parents and kids. Children like the predictability

Слайд 14Also, consider trying these strategies
Allow your teen to invite a friend

to dinner.
Involve your teen in meal planning and preparation.
Keep mealtime calm and congenial — no lectures or arguing.

Also, consider trying these strategiesAllow your teen to invite a friend to dinner.Involve your teen in meal

Слайд 16A habit
A habit is any action that we have performed so

often that it becomes almost an involuntary response. If we consider this habit to be undesirable then we may label it a "bad habit." People spend countless hours and dollars each year attempting to break these bad habits and often do not have any success. Why? Because change is hard work and there is no short cut to achieving it. The steps a person needs to take, however, can be very simply outlined. To effect a change in habits, one needs to the ability to make choices.
A habitA habit is any action that we have performed so often that it becomes almost an

Слайд 18Smoking
When your parents were young, people could buy cigarettes and smoke

pretty much anywhere — even in hospitals! Ads for cigarettes were all over the place. Today we're more aware about how bad smoking is for our health. Smoking is restricted or banned in almost all public places and cigarette companies are no longer allowed to advertise on TV, radio, and in many magazines.
SmokingWhen your parents were young, people could buy cigarettes and smoke pretty much anywhere — even in

Слайд 20Third of Russian smoke
The number of Russian smokers is among the

highest in the world, with 42% of early deaths among men aged 35-69 caused by smoking. Every year, there are over 260,000 smoking-related deaths in Russia.
According to the survey, 52% of men and 15% of women are smokers in Russia. Smoking is mostly a male habit, with the typical Russian smoker being a young man aged between 18 and 35 with a secondary education.
A growing number of Russians now recognize the harmful effects of smoking. However, the majority of those surveyed smoke the same amount as before, while 19%, mostly women, smoke less.

Third of Russian smokeThe number of Russian smokers is among the highest in the world, with 42%

Слайд 22Substituting Better Behaviors

The whole reason you formed your habits in the

first place is that they filled a need. You had tension that needed relief or you had a desire to surf the Net. As you break the old patterns you still need a way to fulfill these needs. You will be not only making an active choice to not do the old action you will also be making a choice to perform a better, alternative action in its place.
What the new habit is that you substitute isn't so important as whether you feel good about the choices you have made. After all, the reason you consider it a bad habit is because it leaves you feeling bad about yourself. There are no physical reasons to start smoking.
The body doesn't need tobacco the way it needs food, water, sleep, and exercise. The body is smart. It goes on the defense when it's being poisoned.

Substituting Better BehaviorsThe whole reason you formed your habits in the first place is that they filled

Слайд 24smokers ' problems
Once You Start, It's Hard to Stop: the body

and mind quickly become so used to the nicotine in cigarettes that a person needs to have it just to feel normal The consequences of smoking may seem very far off, but long-term health problems aren't the only hazard of smoking. Nicotine and the other toxins in cigarettes, cigars, and pipes can affect a person's body quickly, that it can shorten your life by 10 years or more; and that the habit can cost a smoker thousands of dollars a year, which means that teen smokers experience many of these problems:
smokers ' problemsOnce You Start, It's Hard to Stop: the body and mind quickly become so used

Слайд 26Bad skin. Because smoking restricts blood vessels, it can prevent oxygen

and nutrients from getting to the skin — which is why smokers often appear pale and unhealthy. Studies have also linked smoking to an increased risk of getting a type of skin rash called psoriasis.
Bad breath. Cigarettes leave smokers with a condition called halitosis, or persistent bad breath.
Bad skin. Because smoking restricts blood vessels, it can prevent oxygen and nutrients from getting to the

Слайд 28Reduced athletic performance. People who smoke usually can't compete with nonsmoking

peers because the physical effects of smoking (like rapid heartbeat, decreased circulation, and shortness of breath) impair sports performance.
Greater risk of injury and slower healing time. Smoking affects the body's ability to produce collagen, so common sports injuries, such as damage to tendons and ligaments, will heal more slowly in smokers than nonsmokers.
Reduced athletic performance. People who smoke usually can't compete with nonsmoking peers because the physical effects of

Слайд 30Bad-smelling clothes and hair. The smell of stale smoke tends to

linger — not just on people's clothing, but on their hair, furniture, and cars. And it's often hard to get the smell of smoke out.
Increased risk of illness. Studies show that smokers get more colds, flu, bronchitis, and pneumonia than nonsmokers. And people with certain health conditions, like asthma, become more sick if they smoke (and often if they're just around people who smoke). Because teens who smoke as a way to manage weight often light up instead of eating, their bodies also lack the nutrients they need to grow, develop, and fight off illness properly.
Bad-smelling clothes and hair. The smell of stale smoke tends to linger — not just on people's

Слайд 32News
The good news for people who don't smoke or who want

to quit is that studies show that the number of teens who smoke has dropped dramatically. Today, about 20% of high school students smoke — which means 4 out of 5 don't.
Staying smoke free will give you a whole lot more of everything — more energy, better performance, better looks, more money in your pocket, and, in the long run, more life to live! These diseases limit a person's ability to be normally active, and they can be fatal. In the United States, smoking is responsible for about 1 out of 5 deaths.

NewsThe good news for people who don't smoke or who want to quit is that studies show

Слайд 34What's the Payoff?

The first step in breaking a bad habit is

to look at why you find this action so compelling. In other words, what's the payoff for doing this seemingly negative thing? Since you've already classified this as a "bad" habit you may be tempted to say there isn't one. But look closer. There is always a payoff. Let's say your bad habit is yelling at your kids. What's in it for you? You let off some steam and feel a little better for the moment. Or you have a bad habit of leaving the dishes unwashed? The payoff could be that you get to spend more time on the Internet!
What's the Payoff?The first step in breaking a bad habit is to look at why you find

Слайд 36What's the Trade Off?
Next, take a look at the trade off.

What is it that you are losing by exercising your habit? This step should be easier. Just think why it is that you consider it a bad habit in the first place. Yelling at your kids is a bad habit because it leaves everybody feeling tense and tears down your children's self-esteem. Leaving the dishes undone is a bad habit because your kitchen is a smelly mess. To have more Internet time you are trading off having a pleasant living environment. When you look at it that way it doesn't seem like you are making very wise choices, does it? There has to be a better way.

What's the Trade Off?Next, take a look at the trade off. What is it that you are

Слайд 38I t's Up to You

By now you should realize that the

only way to continue with a bad habit for very long is to sink back into denial of why you are doing it in the first place. Each time you begin to resume your old patterns the thought will pass through your mind that you are trading X for Y each time you perform that action. You will be forced to make a choice, whether good for bad, about continuing your habit. What choices will you make? The one that makes you feel bad about yourself or the one that makes you feel good? It's up to you.
I t's Up to YouBy now you should realize that the only way to continue with a

Слайд 40Time to Make a Choice!
Now that you've weighed both sides of

the issue--your payoff and your tradeoff--it's time to make a choice. It's no longer an involuntary act because now you know that you are making a choice every time you perform this action. You are choosing what you value more: the payoff or the tradeoff!
Each time you start to do whatever the bad habit is now you have to actively choose. The only thing that really helps a person avoid the problems associated with smoking is staying smoke free.

Time to Make a Choice!Now that you've weighed both sides of the issue--your payoff and your tradeoff--it's

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