Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему: Условные предложения (10 класс)

A friend wants you to play basketball in the classroom. You are worried about breaking the window. You say:

Слайд 1Dealing with conditionals

Dealing with conditionals

Слайд 2A friend wants you to play basketball in the classroom. You

are worried about breaking the window. You say:
A friend wants you to play basketball in the classroom. You are worried about breaking the window.

Слайд 3If we …

If we …

Слайд 4You want to leave the party now, because you are worried

about missing the last bus. You say:
You want to leave the party now, because you are worried about missing the last bus. You

Слайд 5If we …

If we …

Слайд 6 Your dog bites people. A friend wants to touch the dog,

so you say:
Your dog bites people. A friend wants to touch the dog, so you say:

Слайд 7If you…

If you…

Слайд 8It is raining. You want to stand under the tree, because

you are worried about getting wet. You say:
It is raining. You want to stand under the tree, because you are worried about getting wet.

Слайд 9If we…

If we…

Слайд 10You want to take a bus to the city centre. Your

friend wants to walk. You are worried about getting tired. You say:
You want to take a bus to the city centre. Your friend wants to walk. You are

Слайд 11 If we …

If we …

Слайд 12You are walking to school with a friend. You don’t want

to be late. You suggest hurrying. You say:
You are walking to school with a friend. You don’t want to be late. You suggest hurrying.

Слайд 13 If we don’t …

If we don’t …

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