Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему А.Чехов (7 класс)

Chekhov was born on January 17, 1860 in Taganrog. His grandfathers - by the father and mother's side - were serfs. Father opened its trading business, but did not differ enterprising and soon went bankrupt.

Слайд 1Biography of Anton Chekhov

Biography of Anton Chekhov

Слайд 2Chekhov was born on January 17, 1860 in Taganrog. His grandfathers

- by the father and mother's side - were serfs. Father opened its trading business, but did not differ enterprising and soon went bankrupt.
Chekhov was born on January 17, 1860 in Taganrog. His grandfathers - by the father and mother's

Слайд 3They had five sons and one daughter. Anton Pavlovich was the

third son.

Mother - Eugene

Father - Pavel

They had five sons and one daughter. Anton Pavlovich was the third son.Mother - EugeneFather - Pavel

Слайд 4The family lived hard. Children helped his father in the shop,

and sang in the church choir. Temper father was heavy, but he loved art, tried to give children a good education. Mother was nice and loving.

Chekhov's family in Taganrog

The family lived hard. Children helped his father in the shop, and sang in the church choir.

Слайд 5Gymnasium, which was visited by Chekhov.

Gymnasium, which was visited by Chekhov.

Слайд 6Extensive range of his reading: Pushkin, Lermontov, Turgenev, Goncharov, Cervantes, Belinsky,

Pisarev ...

Chekhov as a schoolboy, 1874

Extensive range of his reading: Pushkin, Lermontov, Turgenev, Goncharov, Cervantes, Belinsky, Pisarev ...Chekhov as a schoolboy, 1874

Слайд 7In 1878, Chekhov's family moved to Moscow. Anton remained in Taganrog

to finish high school. In life, he makes occasional lessons. These were years of relentless poverty.

graduating from high school

In 1878, Chekhov's family moved to Moscow. Anton remained in Taganrog to finish high school. In life,

Слайд 8Value creation
Chekhov's artistic discoveries had an enormous influence on literature and

the theater of the 20th century.
His dramatic works have been translated into many languages, have become an integral part of world theater repertoire.

Value creationChekhov's artistic discoveries had an enormous influence on literature and the theater of the 20th century.His

Слайд 9http://www.antonchehov.ru/4aikovskii/

Used Internet resources

http://www.antonchehov.ru/4aikovskii/http://chehov.niv.ru/chehov/bio/biografiya.htmUsed Internet resources

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