Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на теме/What nice weather!/

Слайд 1

The school after named
Aiteke be.
The English teacher:
Ahanova Alma
Form : 6”Ә”

The school after named Aiteke be.The English teacher:Ahanova AlmaForm : 6”Ә”

Слайд 2

What nice weather!

 Theme: What nice weather!

Слайд 3

The aims of the lesson:
1. Continue to form the usage

of grammar structures.
Development of speech habits through dialogues and monologues.
2. Revise the Comparison of Adjectives.
3. Teaching children to be kind to the nature .
The aims of the lesson: 1. Continue to form the usage of grammar structures.Development of speech habits

Слайд 4

 I. Organization moment.
    Good morning, children!
    I am glad to see

   Who is on duty today?
   Who is absent?
    What date is it today?
     What day of the week is today?
 I. Organization moment.    Good morning, children!    I am glad to see you.   Who is on duty today?  

Слайд 5

ІІ. Phonetic drill. The Months Thirty days has September, April, June and November; February has twenty-eight alone, And the rest have thirty-one, Excepting leap-year, that’s the time, When February days are twenty-nine.

Слайд 6III. Checking up the home task.    Your home task was to

learn 1.Exercise-3 read the text and translate in to Kazakh. 2.Exercise-4. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F )? Correct the false sentences. ( work with cards)
III. Checking up the home task.    Your home task was to learn   1.Exercise-3

Слайд 7 IV. New words

IV. New words

Слайд 8

V. Сын есім - The Adjective
Ағылшын тілінде сын есім заттың немесе құбылыстың сынын, сапасын, сипатын, түрін, түсін білдіретін сөз табы.
Ағылшын тілінде жай сын есімдер бар, олардың арнайы жұрнағы жоқ:
Мысалы: often - жиі, never – ешқашан,
seldom – сирек,
very - өте, ең.
Көптеген зат есімдер , сын есімге – y жұрнағын жалғау арқылы жасалады:
Мысалы: snow- snowy sun - sunny
wind – windy cloud - cloudy
fog – foggy rain - rainy


Слайд 9A). Complete the sentences this pictures.
Let us speak about the

weather using the new vocabulary
A).  Complete the sentences this pictures.Let us speak about the weather using the new vocabulary

Слайд 10

B). Let’s do the exercise.

Open your book and copy- book.

p. 93.

Exercise- 5. Read the text and translate.

Exercise-6. Speak about the weather in your place ( in winter, spring, summer, autumn)
B). Let’s do the exercise. Open your book and copy- book. p. 93.   Exercise- 5.

Слайд 13



Слайд 14


1. Exercise-3. (Write)
2. To learn all new words

VII. Marking.

VIII. At the end of the lesson.
The lesson is over. Good –bye, children.

Слайд 15Thank you, very much!

Thank you, very much!

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