Презентация, доклад по английскому языку My village (6 класс)

THE WORDS YOU NEEDthe bank of the river – берег рекиpicturesque - живописныйhospitable - гостеприимныйmild - мягкийancient - древнийdefend - защищатьspring – весна, источник, родникcentury - век

Слайд 1 My village Troitzkoe
Презентацию подготовила учитель английского языка МБОУ Троицкая СОШ

Неклиновского района Ростовской области
Васильева И.И.

6 класс

My village   TroitzkoeПрезентацию подготовила учитель английского языка МБОУ Троицкая СОШ Неклиновского района Ростовской области

the bank of the river – берег реки

- живописный
hospitable - гостеприимный
mild - мягкий
ancient - древний
defend - защищать
spring – весна, источник, родник
century - век

THE WORDS YOU NEEDthe bank of the river – берег рекиpicturesque - живописныйhospitable - гостеприимныйmild - мягкийancient

Слайд 3
My native land,
The land of wonders.
Of autumn falls and
Summer thunders.
The greenest

And magic lakes,
The tender breeze,
Romantic dales
Amazing land
You give me winds,
You give me strength!
My native land,The land of wonders.Of autumn falls andSummer thunders.The greenest hillsAnd magic lakes,The tender breeze,Romantic dalesAmazing

Слайд 4Моя волшебная земля!
Люблю тебя, твои поля,
Твои огромные леса
И птиц родные голоса.

ветерок твой тёплый, нежный,
И лёгкий шёпот волн
Воздушно-белые снега
И голубые небеса.
Моя волшебная земля!Люблю тебя, твои поля,Твои огромные лесаИ птиц родные голоса.И ветерок твой тёплый, нежный,И лёгкий шёпот

Слайд 5Troitzkoe is a village not far from Taganrog in Rostov region.

Troitzkoe is a village not far from Taganrog in Rostov region.

Слайд 6The village is situated on the river Mius.

The village is situated on the river Mius.

Слайд 7Troitzkoe was founded in 1769. This year our village celebrates 245

Troitzkoe was founded in 1769. This year our village celebrates 245 years.

Слайд 8But several centuries ago people lived there. You can see the

ancient monument in our village. It is called stone woman (каменная баба).
But several centuries ago people lived there. You can see the ancient monument in our village. It

Слайд 9 There is an old stone church in the centre of

the village. It was built in 1830.
There is an old stone church in the centre of the village. It was built in

Слайд 10 The population of Troitzkoe is about 4000 people. Many

nationalities live in the village. They can work and rest. They are very hospitable. The atmosphere in our village is rather friendly.
The population of Troitzkoe is about 4000 people. Many nationalities live in the village. They

Слайд 11The weather in Troitzkoe is mild and warm.

The weather in Troitzkoe is mild and warm.

Слайд 12Our village is beautiful in all seasons.

Our village is beautiful in all seasons.

Слайд 13About ten springs are located in the village. There are many

interesting legends about them. People from different places come and take clean water.
About ten springs are located in the village. There are many interesting legends about them. People from

Слайд 14The 30th of August is a special day for our village.

On this day in 1943 it was liberated from the Nazi troops.
The 30th of August is a special day for our village. On this day in 1943 it

Слайд 15There is a monument in the park to the soldiers who

defended our country during the World war II.
There is a monument in the park to the soldiers who defended our country during the World

Слайд 16 In our school museum you can find copies of

documents and children’s works about the years of war and labor victories of our people .
In our school museum you can find copies of documents and children’s works about the

Слайд 17Our village school is the centre of education and culture. It

is not very old but it has many interesting traditions.
Our village school is the centre of education and culture. It is not very old but it

Слайд 18The pupils get knowledge and learn to sing, dance, draw, knit

and so on.
The pupils get knowledge and learn to sing, dance, draw, knit and so on.

Слайд 19It is a place where the Administration of our village works.

It is a place where the Administration of our village works.

Слайд 20The club and a village library.

The club and a village library.

Слайд 21If you want to buy tasty bread, you have to go

to the bakery.
If you want to buy tasty bread, you have to go to the bakery.

Слайд 22 Nowadays the village is growing. The streets has become

wider, many modern beautiful houses have built.

Nowadays the village is growing. The streets has become wider, many modern beautiful houses have

Слайд 23 But also you can see many old wonderful houses

in our village.
But also you can see many old wonderful houses in our village.

Слайд 24Welcome to Troitzkoe!

We’ll glad to see you!

Welcome to Troitzkoe!We’ll glad to see you!

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