Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Мир сказок


Shulga Daniela 4 “A” class

Manvelyan Irina Vyacheslavovna
A JOURNEY INTO THE  FAIRY TALE Shulga Daniela  4 “A” classTeacher Manvelyan Irina Vyacheslavovna



Слайд 3
The tale is a magical world in which we

often plunge. We have the feeling of sadness, joy... Tale is a miracle!

Story is a fictional story, necessarily with a happy end!
A fairy tale is a bridge to the childhood for adults!

The tale is a magical world in which we often plunge. We have the feeling

Слайд 4Classification of fairy tales

Classification  of fairy tales

Слайд 5Magic fairy tales
In them heroes fight evil and injustice in

the name of goodness and love.
Magic fairy tales In them heroes fight evil and injustice in the name of goodness and love.

Слайд 6Household tales
They are based on the events of daily life

of people.
Household tales They are based on the events of daily life of people.

Слайд 7tales about animals
The main heroes are animals, they talk, do

good or bad things, and behave like humans.
tales about animals The main heroes are animals, they talk, do good or bad things, and behave

Слайд 8Each tale teaches us something. Only you need to look at and

listen to it.

Each tale teaches us something. Only you need to look at and listen to it.

Слайд 9The main thing was the work by which heroes out of

difficult situations.

The main thing was the work by which heroes out of difficult situations.

Слайд 10
In Russian folk tales disobedience to parents punished, and

the patience and obedience is rewarded.

In Russian folk tales disobedience to parents punished, and the patience and obedience is rewarded.

Слайд 11Tale develops creativity, imagination, imagination and sympathy

Tale develops creativity, imagination, imagination and sympathy

Слайд 12 And what is the main meaning in the fairy tale that

I want you to tell?

 And what is the main meaning in the fairy tale that I want you to tell?

Слайд 13
The wooden house

The wooden house

Слайд 14
And it says that the
need to keep all

together as one to
be difficult. The tale
teaches to the
friendliness and
cordiality. And the
fact that at the end of
the bear destroys
Teremok, suggests
that must be a good
measure .
And it says that the need to keep all together as one to be difficult.

Слайд 15

There stood a small
wooden house
in the open field.

A mouse ran by: - Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house? Nobody answered. The mouse went into the house and began to live there.

There stood a small wooden house in the open field. A mouse ran by: - Little house,

Слайд 16

A frog hopped by: -
Little house, little

Who lives in the
little house? -I am a
mouse. And who are
you? - I am a frog. Let's
live together. So the
mouse and the frog
began living together.

A frog hopped by: - Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?

Слайд 17
A hare ran by. He saw
the house and asked: -

Little house, little house!
Who lives in the little
house? -I am a mouse.
I am a frog. And who
are you? -And I am a
hare. The hare
jumped into the house
and all of them began
living together.
A hare ran by. He saw the house and asked: - Little house, little house! Who lives

Слайд 18
Then there came a fox.
She knocked on the
window: -

Little house,
little house! Who lives
in the little house? -I am
a mouse. - I am a frog.
-And I am a hare. And
who are you? -And I am
a fox. The fox climbed
into the house too.
Then there came a fox. She knocked on the window: - Little house, little house! Who lives

Слайд 19
A wolf ran by: - Little
house, little house!
Who lives

in the little
house? -I am a
mouse. -I am a frog.
-And I am a hare. –And
I am a fox. And who
are you? - I am a wolf.
The wolf climbed into
the house too, and
they all started living
A wolf ran by: - Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house? -I am

Слайд 20
A bear walked by. He saw
the house and roared:

house, little
house! Who lives in
the little house? -I am
a mouse. -I am a frog.
- And I am a hare. –And
I am a fox. -And I am
a wolf. Who are you?
-And I am a bear!!!
A bear walked by. He saw the house and roared: Little house, little house! Who lives in

Слайд 21
The bear started
climbing onto the roof
and - crushed the

whole house! All of
the scared animals
ran away in different
The bear started climbing onto the roof and - crushed the whole house! All of the scared

Слайд 22
That's a fairy tale end,
and who listened to –

That's a fairy tale end, and who listened to – well done.

Слайд 23And now let's play!

And now let's play!

Слайд 245

Compare and find 10 differences. In the first picture click on

the details, which is absent at the second picture.
Сравни и найди 10 отличий. На первой картинке кликни по той детали, которой нет на второй картинке.
59876143210Compare and find 10 differences. In the first picture click on the details, which is absent at

Слайд 25
Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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