Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Life of the bees


A bee is a useful insect.

Слайд 1Bees


Слайд 2A bee is a useful insect.

A bee is a useful insect.

Слайд 3It collects honey and pollinates the flowers.

It collects honey and pollinates the flowers.

Слайд 4Bees live in a hive.

Bees live in a hive.

Слайд 5Some bees are busy making honey.

Some bees are busy making honey.

Слайд 6And some bees are busy making wax cells.

And some bees are busy making wax cells.

Слайд 7Some bees are nurses to young larvae that will hatch into

Some bees are nurses to young larvae that will hatch into bees.

Слайд 9Some bees use their wings to keep hive cool.

Some bees use their wings to keep hive cool.

Слайд 10Each hive has a queen bee.

Each hive has a queen bee.

Слайд 11She lays eggs for the hive.

She lays eggs for the hive.

Слайд 12A queen bee lives from 2 to 5 years.

A queen bee lives from 2 to 5 years.

Слайд 13In a colony there are about 40,000 to 60,000 bees. Only

100 of them are drones.
In a colony there are about 40,000 to 60,000 bees. Only 100 of them are drones.

Слайд 14Drones are male bees.

Drones are male bees.

Слайд 15Drones have no stingers and cannot defense.

Drones have no stingers and cannot defense.

Слайд 16In cool months , if supplies become low, the drones are

not allowed to stay in a hive.
In cool months , if supplies become low, the drones are not allowed to stay in a

Слайд 17Bees can sting.

Bees can sting.

Слайд 18Bees use their stingers to defense.

Bees use their stingers to defense.

Слайд 19If a honeybee stings somebody, the honeybee dies.

If a honeybee stings somebody, the honeybee dies.

Слайд 20A bee uses 22 muscles to sting .

A bee uses 22 muscles to sting .

Слайд 21There are barbs on the stinger.

There are barbs on the stinger.

Слайд 22A scout bee explores the field to sip nectar.

A scout bee explores the field to sip nectar.

Слайд 23The scout bee gives the other bees information about the location

of the nectar supply.
The scout bee gives the other bees information about the location of the nectar supply.

Слайд 24If the scout bee moves in a circle, the worker bees

know the location of the nectar supply as close as 50 meters.
If the scout bee moves in a circle, the worker bees know the location of the nectar

Слайд 25If the scout bee moves in a figure 8, the worker

bees know the location of the nectar supply is father than 50 meters.
If the scout bee moves in a figure 8, the worker bees know the location of the

Слайд 26A guard bee watches to protect from the intruders.

A guard bee watches to protect from the intruders.

Слайд 27A guard bee has 1,200 organs sensitive to orders on its

tiny antennae.
A guard bee has 1,200 organs sensitive to orders on its tiny antennae.

Слайд 28The functions of a worker bee are:
1. cleaner

The functions of a worker bee are:1. cleaner

Слайд 292. nurse

2. nurse

Слайд 303 storer

3 storer

Слайд 314 builder

4 builder

Слайд 325 guard

5 guard

Слайд 336. scout

6. scout

Слайд 34A honeybee has 5 eyes.

A honeybee has 5 eyes.

Слайд 35They cannot recognize the red color. Red looks like black to

They cannot recognize the red color. Red looks like black to them.

Слайд 36Bees live from 40 days to 6 months.

Bees live from 40 days to 6 months.

Слайд 37Bees live longer if they hatch in the cooler season.

Bees live longer if they hatch in the cooler season.

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