Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Кэмбридж

Cambridge is an ancient city.

Слайд 1The city and the university

The city and the universityCambridge:

Слайд 2Cambridge is an ancient city.

Cambridge is an ancient city.

Слайд 3Cambridge has an area of ​​40 km ² and its inhabit

more than 100 thousand people.
Cambridge has an area of ​​40 km ² and its inhabit more than 100 thousand people.

Слайд 4 First of Cambridge was mentioned in writing in 730.

First of Cambridge was mentioned in writing in 730.

Слайд 5The main industries in Cambridge are tourism and agriculture.

The main industries in Cambridge are tourism and agriculture.

Слайд 6Cambridge University scientists formed from people who left Oxford because of

a conflict with the local people in 1207.
Cambridge University scientists formed from people who left Oxford because of a conflict with the local people

Слайд 7The structure includes 31 Cambridge Colleges, and more than 150 departments,

faculties, schools, syndicates and other institutions
The structure includes 31 Cambridge Colleges, and more than 150 departments, faculties, schools, syndicates and other institutions

Слайд 8Cambridge University has 114 libraries.

Cambridge University has 114 libraries.

Слайд 9Today 18,000 students studied in Cambridge

Today 18,000 students studied in Cambridge

Слайд 10Famous Cambridge Students
Ernest Rutherford
Isaac Newton
Charles Darwin

Famous Cambridge StudentsErnest RutherfordIsaac NewtonCharles Darwin

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