Презентация, доклад по английскому языку к учебнику Spotlight-7 по теме In the charts!

What song do these words from? Why do you have to go and make things so complicated? I see the way you're Acting like you're somebody else, gets me frustrated And life's like this you, You

Слайд 1Spotlight-7c In the charts!
Lubimtseva S.M.
Shatky Secondary School

Spotlight-7c In the charts! Lubimtseva S.M.Shatky Secondary School

Слайд 2What song do these words from?
Why do you have to

go and make things so complicated? I see the way you're Acting like you're somebody else, gets me frustrated And life's like this you, You fall and you crawl and you break and you take what you get and you turn it into Honesty, you promised me I'm never gonna find you fake it No, no, no


What song do these words from? Why do you have to go and make things so complicated?

Слайд 3Avril Lavigne
Look at the picture & the title on p. 70.

Elicit what does the title mean?

In the charts!

Avril LavigneLook at the picture & the title on p. 70. Elicit what does the title mean?In

Слайд 4Objectives

Vocabulary: music/musical genres
Reading: a music review (for general and specific information)

a music CD review
ObjectivesVocabulary: music/musical genresReading: a music review (for general and specific information)Writing: a music CD review

Слайд 5 Vocabulary Focus ➤ Building vocabulary related to music
What musical genres do you

Do you know such genres as hip-hop, punk, trance, soul, funk?
trance - a type of electronic dance music characterized by hypnotic rhythms and sounds
soul-music that originated in black American gospel singing, is closely related to rhythm and blues
funk- a music genre that originated in the mid-1960s when African American musicians created a rhythmic, danceable new form of music through a mixture of soul music, jazz, and rhythm and blues (R&B)
Vocabulary Focus ➤ Building vocabulary related to music What musical genres

Слайд 7What is your favourite musical genre?

What is your favourite musical genre?

Слайд 8Words and phrases that refer only to music
singer, lyrics, music charts,

songwriter, Top 5, musical instruments, catchy tunes, popular single, powerful voice, latest album
(певец, слова песни, музыкальные чарты, автор песен, Топ 5, музыкальные инструменты, легко запоминающаяся мелодия, популярный сингл, сильный голос, последний альбом)

Words and phrases that refer only to musicsinger, lyrics, music charts, songwriter, Top 5, musical instruments, catchy

Слайд 9Work at pairs. Focus ➤ Consolidating vocabulary related to music.
1) Who is

your favourite songwriter/ singer?

2)Do you like his(her) songs(lyrics)?
3)Does his(her) music often reached the music charts?
4)Does he (she) play any musical instruments?
5) What is the name of his(her) latest album(song)?

Mark E Smith is my favourite songwriter and singer. I really like his lyrics. His music has not often reached the music charts. He plays many musical instruments. His latest album is called «Fall Heads Role».

Work at pairs. Focus ➤ Consolidating vocabulary related to music.1) Who is your favourite songwriter/ singer?2)Do you

Слайд 10Reading Focus ➤ Predicting content
Look at the text. Is it a CD

cover? A review of a CD? The lyrics to the song?
It’s a review of a CD.
Reading Focus ➤ Predicting contentLook at the text. Is it a CD cover? A review of a

Слайд 11Genre:
Best single:
On the charts for:
Avril Lavigne

Genre:Best single:On the charts for:Rating:FactfileAvril Lavigne

Слайд 12Genre: Rock
(Жанр: Рок)
Best single: ‘Complicated’
(Лучший сингл: ‘Complicated’)
On the charts for: 4

(В чартах в течение 4 месяцев)
Rating: Top 5
(Рейтинг: Топ 5)


Avril Lavigne

Genre: Rock(Жанр: Рок)Best single: ‘Complicated’(Лучший сингл: ‘Complicated’)On the charts for: 4 months (В чартах в течение 4

Слайд 13What are the synonyms and opposites to these adjectives?
young /youthful ≠

old: He’s too old to sing live.
well-known/famous ≠ unknown: She’s famous in many countries.
What are the synonyms and opposites to these adjectives?Example:young /youthful ≠ old: He’s too old to sing

Слайд 14the singer - young, well-known, talented, bright
(певец – молодой, хорошо-известный, талантливый,

the singer’s voice – great
(голос певца – великолепный)
the singer’s music – powerful
(музыка певца – сильная)
the lyrics – exciting
(слова песни – восхитительные)
the song - famous, genuine
(песня – известная, искренняя)
the album - fantastic, new, catchy
(альбом – фантастический, новый, легко запоминающийся)

Focus ➤

Reading for specific information

the singer - young, well-known, talented, bright(певец – молодой, хорошо-известный, талантливый, яркий)the singer’s voice – great(голос певца

Слайд 15Words formation


Quality a person/ thing doesn’t have
Quality a person/ thing has

Words formationNoun+ful=helpfulNoun+less=helplessadjectiveadjectiveQuality a person/ thing doesn’t haveQuality a person/ thing has

Слайд 16Use the adjectives in sentences of your own.
– successful

careful, careless
– thoughtful, thoughtless
– speechless
– beautiful

My uncle is a successful businessman.

Use the adjectives  in sentences of your own. – successful – careful, careless – thoughtful, thoughtless

Слайд 17What have we learnt today?
What was the theme of our lesson?


of ten words you have learnt in today’s lesson.
Try to use them to make your own sentences.

Get up and go around the class to find a partner who has something in common with you. (who likes the same genre of music as you)

Discuss what you have learnt in the lesson with their partner.

In the charts!

What have we learnt today?What was the theme of our lesson?Think of ten words you have learnt

Слайд 18Homework
«5», «4»
р.70 Ex.6
WB p.43 (1,2,4)
Learn new words(R-En)
WB p.43 (1,2)
Learn new words


Homework«5», «4»р.70 Ex.6WB p.43 (1,2,4)Learn new words(R-En)«3»WB p.43 (1,2)Learn new words (En-R)

Слайд 19Thanks for your work!

Thanks for your work!

Слайд 20young /youthful ≠ old: He’s too old to sing live.
well-known/famous ≠

unknown: She’s famous in many countries.
talented/gifted ≠ untalented: He’s a gifted musician.
bright/brilliant ≠ ordinary : I think her voice is pretty ordinary.
great/excellent ≠ awful: That was an awful album.
powerful/strong ≠ weak: When she sang in concert, her voice sounded very weak.
exciting/thrilling ≠ boring: It was thrilling to actually meet the singers.

famous/well-known ≠ not known: The band is not known in my country.
genuine/authentic ≠ fake: I find the lyrics
genuine and sincere.
fantastic/wonderful ≠ terrible: It is a terrible title for an album.
catchy/memorable ≠ forgettable: This is such a memorable song, it’s my favourite.
new/recent ≠ old: I prefer the band’s more
recent songs.

Extra page

young /youthful ≠ old: He’s too old to sing live.well-known/famous ≠ unknown: She’s famous in many countries.talented/gifted

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