Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Известные личности в истории Великобритании.

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill stands in the first line of remarkable Englishmen.

Слайд 1College of Hospitality Industry and Management №23
Student: Mary Kalaicheva
Tutor: O.M. Galichina


Well-known persons in the history of Great Britain

College of Hospitality Industry and Management №23Student: Mary KalaichevaTutor: O.M. GalichinaMoskow, 2015Well-known persons in the history of

Слайд 3Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill stands in the first line of

remarkable Englishmen.
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill stands in the first line of remarkable Englishmen.

Слайд 4After the receiving of the rank Churchill was enrolled in the

Fourth Hussar regiment of Her Majesty.

The beginning of career.
Churchill’s four wars

After the receiving of the rank Churchill was enrolled in the Fourth Hussar regiment of Her Majesty.The

Слайд 5In autumn 1897 he joined the army to suppress the pushtunski

In autumn 1897 he joined the army to suppress the pushtunski rebel.

Слайд 6The political career
World War II was the hardest period for Great

Britain. Churchill united the nation under the fighting against fascism.
The political careerWorld War II was the hardest period for Great Britain. Churchill united the nation under

Слайд 71917-1921 – military minister and minister of aircraft
1921-1922 – minister

of colonies affairs
1924-1929 – minister of finance
1939-1940 – a naval minister 1940-1945, 1951-1955 – Prime minister of Great Britain

The political career

1917-1921 – military minister and minister of aircraft 1921-1922 – minister of colonies affairs 1924-1929 – minister

Слайд 8Death
“I want you to bury me as a simple soldier”
Three years

before death Churchill said:
Death“I want you to bury me as a simple soldier”Three years before death Churchill said:

Слайд 9Cherchills Aphorisms

Cherchills Aphorisms

Слайд 10Thanks for your attention.

Thanks for your attention.

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