Презентация, доклад по английскому языку 8 класс The whole world knows them


Слайд 1By the pupils of the 7th and 8th forms of the

Talashkinskaya school

Teacher: Fedosenko Svetlana Victorovna


By the pupils of the 7th and 8th forms of the Talashkinskaya school   Teacher: Fedosenko



Слайд 3 Talashkino is a historical and artistic place, which is

famous all over the world. In 1901 in Flenovo the fantastic house “Teremok” was constructed by the project of Sergey Malutin.
Talashkino is a historical and artistic place, which is famous all over the world. In

Слайд 4 There were a lot of works of art for

example balalaikas, a wide-ran-ges on of the ceramics and chinaware, works of food.

There were a lot of works of art for example balalaikas, a wide-ran-ges on of

Слайд 5The church

The church

Слайд 6 There is a little church not far from the

“Teremok”, which was constructed by the project of Barchevskiy, Tenisheva and Malutin. Everything in Talashkino ad Flenovo was subordinated by one purpose-to save Russian beauty.
There is a little church not far from the “Teremok”, which was constructed by the

Слайд 7 The village of Flenovo, 18 km from Smolensk along

the Roslavl highway has a brunch of the SMOLENSK museum of Fine and applied Arts. It Is situated on the former estate of Duchess M.K. Tenisheva.
The village of Flenovo, 18 km from Smolensk along the Roslavl highway has a brunch

Слайд 8 The building TEREMOK was designed by the architect

S.V. Malutin. There in the 19th and early 20th century the duchess organized art work shops for ceramics, joinery, wood carving, plain needle-work and embroidery. TEREMOK had a collection of works by folk craftsmen from 50 villages. Such famous artists as I.V. Repin, V.M. Vasnetsov, V.D. Polenov, M.A. Vrubel, N.K. Rerikh, I.E. Grabar, S.V. Malutin and A.Y.Golovin spent a long time working there. The estate was also visited by A.A.Block, the poet.
The building TEREMOK was designed by the architect S.V. Malutin. There in the 19th

Слайд 9 The museum is one of the richest places of

Russian old time. It’s well known in Russia and abroad as a museum including too valuable, rare and uncommon memorial of archaeology and ethnography of Russia.
The museum is one of the richest places of Russian old time. It’s well known

Слайд 10 All parts of museum have the aim to show

a history and development of folk-art

All parts of museum have the aim to show a history and development of folk-art

Слайд 12 In 1911 M.K. Tenisheva had made and decorated the

dish on which she gave the keys of her museum “Russkaya starina” to the decorator of Moscow department A.I.U. Uspenski. The dish was very colorful and nice.
In 1911 M.K. Tenisheva had made and decorated the dish on which she gave the

Слайд 13the dish

the dish



Слайд 15The enamel dish of the work of Princess Maria Tenisheva, on

which the glorified Smolensk patron of the arts transferred the symbolic key to the Russian Antiquity Museum to citizens, can be seen by residents and guests of the regional center in the Smolensk Art Gallery.
The enamel dish of the work of Princess Maria Tenisheva, on which the glorified Smolensk patron of

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