Презентация, доклад по английскому языку История родного края

Мое ЗаболотноеНа карте нашего районаНайдешь деревню ты.В названье ЗаболотноеНет лучшей красоты.Недаром за болотамиРаскинулась она,Деревня За-бо-лот-ное –Родина моя.К нам чаек много-многоСлетается весной,Они шумят, и кружат,И радуют собой.

Слайд 1
Zabolotnovskay school
Without the past
there is no the future
Bondar Lena


teather: Ershova N. V.
Zabolotnovskay schoolWithout the past there is no the futureAuther: Bondar LenaThe teather: Ershova N. V.

Слайд 2Мое Заболотное
На карте нашего района
Найдешь деревню ты.
В названье Заболотное
Нет лучшей красоты.

за болотами
Раскинулась она,
Деревня За-бо-лот-ное –
Родина моя.

К нам чаек много-много
Слетается весной,
Они шумят, и кружат,
И радуют собой.

Мое ЗаболотноеНа карте нашего районаНайдешь деревню ты.В названье ЗаболотноеНет лучшей красоты.Недаром за болотамиРаскинулась она,Деревня За-бо-лот-ное –Родина моя.К

Слайд 3Беги скорей на речку –
Там окунь и судак
В уху давно готовы.

Завидуешь? Вот так!

Похвастаться мы можем
И Волгою – рекой.
Красавица, кормилица –
Забудь про весь покой…

Колхоз у нас богатый,
У всех он на слуху,
И не гордиться этим
Я просто не могу.

Беги скорей на речку –Там окунь и судакВ уху давно готовы. Завидуешь? Вот так!Похвастаться мы можем И

Слайд 4А рядом за околицей
Сосновый лес шумит.
Он радость, мощь и силу

той хранит.

Простая деревенская
Жизнь идет у нас.
Все трудятся, работают-
Да впрочем, как у вас.

Гордиться малой родиной
Должны мы все! Всегда!
Ведь родина, как мать
У нас всего одна!

Малехонова Н. Г.

А рядом за околицейСосновый лес шумит.Он радость, мощь и силу Деревни той хранит.Простая деревенскаяЖизнь идет у нас.Все

Слайд 5The name of my village

Our village is 2 centures.
The first

name of our
viilage was Chaechnoe
boloto. It was a place for gulls. Zabolotnovskaya colony of gulls is one of the largest settlements on the territory of our region.
The number of gulls is from 7 to 10 thousand pairs. In 1996 gulls became the state monument of nature. Scientists were interested in these birds, studied a migration of birds and proved that gulls from Zabolotnoe spend every winter in India.

The second name of our
village is Zabolotnoe.
Our village got a such name
because of bogs or swamp locality.

The name of my villageOur village is 2 centures. The first name of our viilage was Chaechnoe

Слайд 6Every family had sheep, pigs, cows, horse. That people who had

2 or 3 horse were the rich. The agriculture was the basic employment in summer. Everybody grew wheat, potato. Some people had boats and they went to buy and sell goods.

Employment of people

Every family had sheep, pigs, cows, horse. That people who had 2 or 3 horse were the

Слайд 7But in winter people
sewed leather boots
and clothes.
Some of

them could
make valenki.

But in winter people sewed leather boots and clothes. Some of them could make valenki.

Слайд 8Education
There was no school in the village .
People rented a building

for school
from private persons. The first elementary
school was built in 1926.

EducationThere was no school in the village .People rented a building for school from private persons. The

Слайд 9
There were no clinics in Zabolotnoe.

only grandmothers (znaharki) helped
sick people. And also they had to go to Sokolskoe.


There were no clinics in Zabolotnoe. And only grandmothers (znaharki) helped sick people.

Слайд 10Nationality

People of our village are Russian
because there are many

families such as the
Komarovs, the Filatovs, the Denisovs, the Solovyovs and other.
NationalityPeople of our village are Russian because there are many Russian families such as theKomarovs, the Filatovs,

Слайд 11

People had only two holidays in a year. They were Bridge's

Sunday and Savvatev's Day. Bridge's Sunday was in October and Savvatev's Day was in May.
These holidays were church. Relatives
and friends celebrated these holidays together.
HolidaysPeople had only two holidays in a year. They were Bridge's Sunday and Savvatev's Day. Bridge's Sunday

Слайд 12Nowadays

We have a wonderful school.
Pupils study at school
from 1

to 9 forms.
NowadaysWe have a wonderful school. Pupils study at school from 1 to 9 forms.

Слайд 13And also we have school garden.
There are many apple trees.

Every summer we grow different vegetables there.
And also we have school garden. There are many apple trees. Every summer we grow different vegetables

Слайд 14Vahrushev Vladimir Nikolaevich is a talented person
who lives in our

village. He makes beautiful churches.
Some of his works we can see in museum.
Vahrushev Vladimir Nikolaevich is a talented person who lives in our village. He makes beautiful churches. Some

Слайд 15We have nice nature.
The Volga is a relaxing place.

the forest and
cultivated areas of our
district there are a lot of wild flowers,
flowering plants and grasses.
We have nice nature. The Volga is a relaxing place. In the forest and cultivated areas of

Слайд 16They are camomiles,
clovers, reeds, water-lilies.

They are camomiles, clovers, reeds, water-lilies.

Слайд 17The vegetation is represented
by mixed forest.
They are birches, fir-trees,

The vegetation is represented by mixed forest. They are birches, fir-trees, oaks.

Слайд 18There are many different animals:
foxes, bears, deer, wolves,

There are many different animals: foxes, bears, deer, wolves,

Слайд 19mice, hedgehogs, hares, frogs.

mice, hedgehogs, hares, frogs.

Слайд 20Thanks for your attention!!!

Thanks for your attention!!!

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